Realistic Terrain Generation

Realistic Terrain Generation


Got a crash with just RTG and Journeymap installed

whichonespink44 opened this issue ยท 8 comments


I know, its the cause of too much falling blocks.
I had this error 1 time in 100 times i made maps till now.

I think its that extreme hills gravel stuff its just too much to handle for worldgen


In both extreme hills surface files:
blocks[(y * 16 + x) * 256 + k] = beachBlock;
gravel = false; //This will fix falling blocks spam crash (this was true)

it also makes extreme hills extreme ugly as the WHOLE surface will be gravel for like 400 chucks


Ok, I'll take a look at extreme hills now.


If you gonna look into it ill reopen it for you as you might forget ;)


Yep, looking into this now.


This proving to be very difficult to debug because it's just not crashing for me. Maybe some of the changes we made since 0.0.5 have fixed the crash?

Maybe we should release 0.0.6 and ask people to see if it's still happening for them. I'll add some extra error logging to the Chunk Generator so I can figure out where exactly it's crashing.


No i had this since we started, i havent got this error since 0.0.4


I'm pretty sure this is fixed. I'll close this for now and re-open if it crops up again.