Realistic Terrain Generation

Realistic Terrain Generation


my fkn eclipse wont start up anymore....

Ezoteric opened this issue ยท 13 comments


WHAT THE FUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If i cant get it to work soon ill fuckin kill someone !!!!!!!!!!!


What version do you use? Mars? I had some issues with Mars and had to go back to using Luna, which has been working a treat, as always.

Hope you get it sorted mate!


well, i just hate when programs just stop working when NOTHING changed....

I think its mars yes, but reinstalling it now hope it works cause i dont want to spend more time figuring it out haha


you dont even know how long it took me to get eclipse working and graldew and finally knew how to compile and decompile :P


AAAAAAAAAAAAARG, it quits without any error, it just shows that eclipse start up screen for not even a second :(


when i try to start eclipsec in cmd it says
Error occured during initialization of VM (java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object)


fuck this shit. im done dont have time for this crap


TL;DR = if you've tried everything else, try deleting java.exe from your C:\Windows\System32 directory.


yeah i aint got java.exe in my win dir

matter of fact i checked 10 websites with different things :(

You dont see me complaining before i checked google :P


was the first site i came on to and

and voila, the problem goes away now ! does not solve it

i can run java from everywhere in CMD just eclipse does not work, and turst me NOTHING changed since yesterday, i quit eclipse went to bed now im home and it doesnt work anymore.....

I really get pissed off cause of shit like this GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

its good i smoke weed, so i can calm the f down


ended up reistalling every thing, java eclipse and works now, but if this gonna happen everyday praise the lord i wont ddos them !!!


Besides that, if we get islands from MCs gen layer and would be able to add the volcano on those islands it doesn't matter if it's still called ocean. Cause I think you can only name biomes right ?

Also gen layers add shores so that's a good a thing but I think it will be some work to get that in as well. I think I'll. Check how bop did it cause that code seems a lol easier then cc code


Lol wrong one haha damnz phone