Realistic Terrain Generation

Realistic Terrain Generation


Highlands Support

PaddyDwyer opened this issue ยท 15 comments


Hi, I'm taking a look at adding Highlands support.

I feel like this is a really stupid problem to have. How do I start minecraft from eclipse with a mod I'm going to depend on.

I thought i could download the highlands jar and throw it into forge/run/mods but I get an error when I hit the run button.

cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: highlands.block.BlockHighlandsSapling.func_149676_a(FFFFFF)V
    at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.transition(
    at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.preinitializeMods(
    at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading(

No problem running highlands from the launcher of course.

Do you have any pointers on what I should be doing?


"Do you have any pointers on what I should be doing?"

Unfortunately not - the way I test with other mods is by compiling and then running Minecraft outside the dev environment with the other mods installed.


Same here. I don't even know how to run it in eclipse haha :p


Anyway I'm off to bed I've done too much today and nothing worked haha but also no errors ;)


If you create a libs folder in the root of your mod, you can put deobfuscated/dev versions of mods in there, then run gradlew eclipse and it loads that mod when you run Minecraft from Eclipse. For example, I created the libs folder, then downloaded the dev versions of Code Chicken Core and NEI and dropped them in that folder, then ran gradlew eclipse ... now every time I run Minecraft from Eclipse to test RTG, I've got NEI as well.

That's the good news. The bad news is that I couldn't find a dev version of Highlands :(


Btw didn't mojang say all mods have to be open source ?


And what's the difference between running MC in eclipse or normal?


"And what's the difference between running MC in eclipse or normal?"

In Eclipse, there's a green [Play] button at the top which launches Minecraft with whatever mod you're currently working on. It's just a quick way to test any changes you've made instead of doing a gradlew build and dragging the JAR file to your normal Minecraft mods folder.


Which means it's crap as you still need to test it with mods and therefore double work ;) I'll wait 30 sec and just run MC thnx tho ;)


I know where the source for highlands is. I could always download that and make my own dev version.


Then you my friend are helped ;)


@PaddyDwyer I tried doing the same but ran into gradle issues. I'm sure it's just my inexperience with gradle, so hopefully you'll have better luck than me.


@PaddyDwyer How's it going? I'm planning to re-factor the EBXL stuff tonight, which shouldn't take too long as there aren't many biomes, so... I was thinking of starting Highlands as well, but I don't want to start if you're already working on it. If you haven't had time, no worries.


I haven't had time so go ahead. Once I'm back able to work on stuff (next week maybe) I'll look for something new to do.




Added in df91175