Realistic Terrain Generation

Realistic Terrain Generation


Re-decorate BOP biomes to use RTG's signature style

whichonespink44 opened this issue ยท 55 comments


I want to re-decorate as many of the BOP biome as possible for the next update, using RTG's signature style.

This includes flattening biomes that are meant to be flat, using the new 'rolling hills' template for hilly biomes, adding fallen trees, custom foliage, etc, all whilst retaining the 'spirit' of the original biome.

@Team-RTG/readers I could use some help with this, so if anyone wants to help out, just let me know and we'll coordinate something.

For reference, here are some links that will come in handy:

Also, to make it easier to test, you'll probably want to download the 'Deobf' version of BOP from here and drop it in your libs folder. This will allow you to launch Minecraft within Eclipse rather than building a new version of RTG every time you make a change. (Make sure you run gradlew eclipse after you drop it in your libs folder.)


For reference, the bop-biomes branch is where all of the magic is going to happen.


Yeah yesterday I had to go but let's talk tonight?


Can't do tonight, but I can do tomorrow night if that works?


As long as it's before 22:00 your time then yes


Yep, that works for me - I can do anytime after 18:00


thnx middle clicking is perfect :) now were even ;) (windows button) :P


btw do we have a flat biome with a few small hills here and there ? (like really low hills) ?

like a savanna with some mounds (i guess thats the word for the smallest thing you call hill


the new 'Rolling Hills' template has been working a treat for me since I tweaked it. It lets u choose the max height of the hills and the hill strength lets u make it hillier or flatter.


ok but im looking for something like our desert, enough flat terrain and here and there a hill
Is that also possible with that rolling hills or can you copy paste tweak it to flattening hills ? :P


i mean so far i used savanna template for xeric, wasteland and now again for tundra as all those biomes are flat and occasionly a hill haha


Yeah, that's cool man. It doesn't matter if they're 'samey' to start with - I can always go back and tweak them to make them unique. Most important thing is that they're mostly accurate in terms of the type of terrain (i.e. flat biomes shouldn't have mountains, etc.) As long as we're close.

I'm gonna try to finish work early so I can get back on the scene. Should be able to rock through most of these today/tomorrow.


lol, i prolly end up doing most biomes savanna cause most of BOPS biomes are flat.... atleast so far lol and they all look almost the same as on the picture on their wiki haha but ofcrouse cooler ;)


Sounds good!

hey, did you see the BOP Canyon biome? I haven't tried it with other biomes in the world, but I'd love to know what you think about biomes that go below Y=63


no i havent i will take a look.
But on the map the mesa looked shitty with all the empty puddles filled with dirt :P
so if it looks exactly like that, then its crappy :p it should have the same layer and the normal layer ;)

But ill check


rolling hills ???? wtf is this shit loooooooooooooooooool


2015-12-11_16 18 17


looks more like a earth quake aftermath lolz


is that the Canyon?


cuz that's not what I was seeing


rolling hills terrain, i used it to see what it does for steppe

PS: you should know what you see as you made it :P


really? than something's not quite right because I've been using it for quite a few and it's lovely!!!

try looking at the Coniferous Forest or Cherry Blossom Hills.


yeah i found the problem
i used new TerrainBOPSteppe(), as this was correct

i changed to new TerrainBOPSteppe(63f, 66f, 30f),
and looks quite nice now :P


2015-12-11_16 31 31




canyon looks good yes :) no holes on the top floor but i havent seen anything under Y63


ah right... i just uploaded the new stuff... give it a look when you get a sec and let me know what you think :)


LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL you got owned within 1 second ingame hahahaha


2015-12-11_17 24 02


thats says more then enough right ? hahahaha

thats how entered my world. didnt even had to move :P


after flying arround this was the whole world, no canyon anywhere to be found just flat land filled with mineshafts and temples :P


new TerrainBOPCanyon(), doesnt work it needs to have its *_f, *_f shit


so i wont go lower then 45 orso but the temples seem to be at a steady height, i think i gonna look into that and see if we can give it a slightly better random height so that the bottom can be at max 20 till lets say 50 something


Are you using the bop-biomes branch to test the Canyon? Or are you using something else?

Hmmm, I'm curious to know how it transitions into other biomes.


i was using your bop branche and copy pasted the 3 files you edited. but like i said it cant be () or it does not generate any canyon it will just remain flat ?


Cool, cool - well I'm finally on the scene... I'm gonna crack on working my way down the top of the list, and if you wanna keep on working your way up, that's cool, or if you wanna tackle the Canyon biome, that's cool too. Not sure we're gonna be able to get the Canyon to work under all circumstances, but I thought it was at least interesting to know that we could go below sea level if we needed to.


dude where can i find the bop ID list ?


cant do shit before you reply cause i cant get nei to work in eclipse :(


first link in the OP


ok got it working, so i will only change the surface file and terrain cause all the other shit you did i dont know shit about ;P


yeah i just did a new world and got the land thats why i deleted it.

also for example:
I will leave some notes if i need to like xeric needs some rarely seen small hills but besides that its almost the same as savanna so i used that and changed the first grass to sand and it was perfect besides the few hills :P


Yeah, that's cool. Whatever works!! :)


yeah cause there might be things like, mushrooms needed and i might not know if what i do works or not :P

so when im done you can just read the notes and know what still can/needs to be done :P


BTW there is no way i can make journeymap work without scr versions in eclipse ?
Also NEI didnt show up even tho i did add the scr one (no error it just didnt work)


Yeah, I struggled to get NEI working in Eclipse, but really... it's not that big a deal. You don't need to generate a map after decorating each biome. I just walk/fly around for a bit and see how it looks/feels, then tweak if necessary until I'm happy with it.


but waila would be usefull so i know what tree is vanilla and what bop is :P

btw i mark biomes blue that i didnt change as they would be good allready


True... I've just been middle-clicking on the block if I need to know what it is... and also... if you've dropped BOP into your libs folder, you should be able to go to that biomes class file and see what blocks it's using. (Or view the source on GitHub, whichever's easier.)


well below sea level is not smart as of the obvious reasons :P
unless you can fix that i would suggest not go below 45 if not lower it at all.

anyway i think im going to bed again cause im still not feeling well.
at least i did a few ill check in tomorrow for the rest you didnt do.

ill zip my shit and dump it on skype so you have that already




wake up i need some advice


Hey, been making good progress - I see you have as well, nice one! :)

What's up?


the roof

anyway, i needed some help with some number but i found some of them out, also a bit of a late reaction dont you think :P


come on skype so i can send all the files ?


sorry, juggling two kids at the moment ๐Ÿ˜œ


yeah, one sec


Added this to dev in e8f9b46 - thanks for all your help @Ezoteric ๐Ÿ‘