Realistic Terrain Generation

Realistic Terrain Generation


Add config option to disable BOP quicksand generation

whichonespink44 opened this issue · 9 comments


You can remove quicksand from your 1.7.10 world after generation using Progressive World Cleanup


Since BoP does it's own decoration, can't quicksand just be turned off in the BoP configs? I've never actually looked into that before.


I don't think the config option to disable quicksand was added until the 1.8.9 version of BOP... there's nothing in the 1.7.10 configs anyway.


Yeah, I'm not seeing one, but I swear BoP for 1.6.4 had an option to turn it off.. it was in with the options to turn off stalactites/stalagmites, but I know the stalactites/stalagmites options were removed (but that's because the blocks were).

Hrm.. I'm not sure anything should be done about it. I can understand people not wanting quicksand in their world (I'm not a big fan of it) but this is a BoP issue. (and they won't be fixing it.) The thing is, it's just a huge waste of CPU time to let BoP place it all, only for us to then remove it. I'd just leave as is, and in a few months everyone's going to be all up in 1.9 and won't care.


Heh, seems odd they removed it for 1.7.10, and then re-added it in 1.8.9+

Having thought about it more, I'm kinda leaning towards closing this one as it's not really RTG's job to remove unwanted blocks (even though it already kinda does that very thing by adding mixed blocks to surfaces and disabling ores, etc.)

If we knew which biomes quicksand generated in, we could avoid the BOP-adds-RTG-removes approach and manually decorate those biomes to bypass BOP's decorate() method altogether. But if there are more than 3 biomes, it's probably longer than I'm willing to spend on it, especially considering that we might not be able to adequately decorate the biome given the limited access to decoration we have via the BOP API.


Yes, not our job.


3 strikes... it's out!!! ⚾


Just some notes on this. There are only two ways we could do this (as far as I can see)...

  1. We let the quicksand generate, and then replace it with something else (expensive)
  2. We manually decorate all of the BOP biomes in which quicksand generates (better performance-wise, but might be time-intensive depending on how many quicksandy biomes there are).