Realistic Terrain Generation

Realistic Terrain Generation


BOP biomes generate without Climate Control

Sunconure11 opened this issue ยท 43 comments


I tried to make landmasses bigger using the settings the mod provides, but, only oceans seem to be effected, and so I'm constantly getting worlds that are just ocean, with tiny islands as opposed to full-fledged landmasses.

Current config settings (tried to turn off and enable a few things in an attempt to fix this):


If you think the oceans are too big you want more landmasses, not bigger ones. Bigger continents tend to have bigger oceans between them. You could post your configs if you want tips.


Here are all of my current settings

Does it have anything to do with the fact that the latest snapshots are requiring climate control?


The latest snapshot doesn't require CC - if you run it without CC you'll get the vanilla biome layout for that seed, done in RTG terrain. However, those configs only affect the RTG layout so what I'd need to see is your CC configs.


Try these. I had changed things a bit in an attempt to stop the tiny continent spawn, but, that did not work, so, instead, I just removed CC, as it works fine, and generates all of the BoP biomes without it.


Wait, you can get BoP biomes in a realistic world without CC?




I am using a realistic world. I'll generate one, just to show you.


Not sure what I'm doing right, but, I am finding realistic worlds with BoP biomes.


How bizarre! Would you mind posting your fml-client-latest.log file as well?


I'm unable to confirm this with 0.5.0-snapshot-5, BOP and the supplied rtg.cfg. The closest things to BOP that I saw were a vanilla Desert and vanilla Desert Hills that had their skies modified.

@Sunconure11 Are you absolutely certain that you chose the 'Realistic' world type when you created the world? Also, would you be able to post a screenshot of a BOP biome with the F3 screen turned on?


This weird cause I made a map and no bop biome anywhere lol


It's possible - you could try removing BiomeTweaker and seeing if it still happens... if it does, would you mind posting your BT configs so we can have a look?

The only other thing I can think of is that bug we used to have back in alpha where sometimes BOP biomes would generate even if they were disabled in both RTG's and BOP's configs. I thought that bug was actually caused by a biome ID conflict, but after looking at your BOP IDs, I don't see any that would be conflicting.

Let me know if removing BT has any effect (and thanks for all of your help in trying to resolve this bug!)


I will test it.

However, I will send over my BT scripts as well.


It happens without BiomeTweaker too. Either my copy is magical, or I'm very lucky.

However, I suggest trying to find a fix for this issue that people are reporting anyways. I don't want to use yet another mod just to make a certain mod's biomes spawn, and I'm sure others agree with me. Also, Climate Control is very hard to set up.


Ezo, have you looked through the BoP configs for some kind of "affect worldtypes" setting?


Sunconure, do you get the BoP biomes in a default world?

Pink, this isn't a bug, it's desired behavior. Now if CC can't overide the BoP settings, there's a problem, but it's a CC-BoP interaction and not actually RTG's problem (but I'm betting CC can).


No, I do not get them in default worlds.


I did find twilight forest biomes, but, I fixed that issue.


I'd also tried it too, without success. What version of BoP are you using? One thing I DON'T see in the current one is an option to affect default worlds, which I'd swear used to be there.


BiomesOPlenty-1.7.10- with forge 1566 ima trying now :P


not gonna happen, i still think you didnt set the world type cause i cant reproduce this


Weird, here are the settings of another world I generated, as well as pictures to prove I'm using a realistic world type:


Theres also this setting:

B:"Allow biomes from this mod to generate"=true

The biomes o' plenty file can be found under the RTG biome folder. I suggest setting that setting to true, if it not already.

I am using BiomeTweaker as well. Could that be doing this?


Thats true by default and double checked it.
I mean, im a skeptical person, seeing is believing but if this is all true it must be a mod orso interacting with it cause i have used the same rtg + bop + forge + config and that didnt work.

Can try making a new world and see if that still happens ?

This is soooo weird


In addition to using BiomeTweaker, I did change the IDs of the biomes from Biomes O' Plenty.

I am not using BiomeTweaker to alter generation at the moment, instead, I am using it to generate a few mobs in the overworld. Nonetheless, could it be the reason why I'm able to get BoP biomes in a realistic world?


bop doesnt havent shit as far as i can see and tell


Ok, something weird is going on here... I just tried setting up a new MultiMC instance from scratch, trying to match @Sunconure11's setup as closely as possible. Got everything in, ran Minecraft, copied across supplied configs, loaded up a realistic world, flew around for ages... and no BOP biomes.

Then I tried to look at BOP's configs to see if there was any new world type settings... but not only was there no world type settings... there were no BOP configs at all! So either the 'latest' BOP is buggy, or I'm going crazy.

@Sunconure11 - can you try using the 'recommended' version of BOP ( - confusingly, the one on the right) and trying again?


Perhaps @Sunconure11 could zip up his whole folder for us to test?


As this build of the pack has not been released, it has not been polished fully. However, it contains all of the mods I use, and such.


It is an instance of the next build of my modpack. I will send it over.


It is being built on a curse instance, and it is kind of messy with unused configs.


I can also send over just my configs as well.


Has anyone had a chance to test this any further? Is there even a need?

@Zeno410 - you said this is desired behaviour a few posts back and that CC had to handle something?


We would like BoP to handle biome layout if it's installed and CC/other biome mods aren't, obviously. If both BoP and CC are installed, CC should override BoP but if it doesn't it's not a RTG problem. I'd like to figure out how this works but I don't have the time.


It appears BoP biomes stopped appearing in the latest build of this mod.


Or at least, are very rare.


No one has tested further, but, I am still able to find BoP biomes in realistic worlds. I would rather keep that option though, I'd rather CC be an optional dependency, plus it is hard to set up and get desirable maps, and I don't want to go through that hassle to have BoP biomes. However, integration to a degree could be done.


Meaning with BoP installed and no CC, correct? Did you replace your configs? Same BoP version?


I'll wait until a full release, the snapshots have many issues that I'm not willing to deal with.