Realistic Terrain Generation

Realistic Terrain Generation


Weird error with this mod and streams

Sunconure11 opened this issue ยท 20 comments


Can you confirm if this is also happening when using the recommended version of Forge ( on a non-Cauldron server?

Also, do you know what biome is using ID 142?


It appears to be twilight forest from twilight twilight. I'll see when I can do that.


I got a similar crash in SSP, without KCauldron.

Also, my biome dump is out of date. I'll dump my current biomes.


This is happening with a clean config, as well.


It appears to be related to dry rivers.


Why do you think it's dry rivers? Also, do you see "river strips" of river biome where there are no rivers?


Actually, I crashed as soon as I made the world with that error. Did you see the biome dump?


I set biome 146 to be dry river.


The two rivers from BOP were disabled in a previous version of RTG because they were causing a different crash, which I couldn't get to the bottom of, but maybe it's safe to enable them in the 0.5.0 version.

I'll try enabling them to see what happens.


@Sunconure11 I don't think RTG is going to be able to support the two river biomes from BOP. I tried enabling them, but since BOP doesn't seem to be initializing them, RTG can't create realistic versions of them. Can you post your biomesoplentyInCC.cfg when you get a sec?

@Zeno410 If a biome ID is set to -1 in biomesoplentyInCC.cfg, does that mean that CC will essentially ignore that biome? My theory is that @Sunconure11 changed the IDs of the two river biomes to match what's in BOP's configs, but since RTG hasn't added support for them, it's crashing with a 'No realistic version of biome' error.


I am not using CC at the moment, I have had too many difficulties trying to set up a satisfactory map. I will look into it later, though.


Sorry, I assumed you were using CC.

In that case, just disable the river biomes in BOP's in biomegen.cfg

Also, as a general rule of thumb, don't ever change BOP's biome IDs - instead, change the biome IDs of the other mod biomes that you're using to resolve conflicts. Apparently BOP has some issues when its IDs are changed.


Hm, I have Erebus and Twilight Forest, and I'm trying to rework the IDs. However, Erebus does not allow biome IDs higher than 127.


I'm not using CC just yet.


I tried to get CC to be able to run the biome IDs, but I couldn't get it to work. So whatever you set just gets overridden by the biome mod. Currently the config effectively servers as a biome dump so you can go back to an old world and know what the biomes are set to.


However, I will toy around with it now, to try and create some proper map settings.


I don't thing the configs are working right with CC so don't try to set anything up yet.


I suggest someone reopen this, I was able to change as little biomes o' plenty biomes as possible, and suffered no issues, I was able to give Twilight Forest biomes different IDs


Same with Erebus. Dry Rivers might be bugged if you changed their ID.