Realistic Terrain Generation

Realistic Terrain Generation


RTG+CC crash on fresh install

whichonespink44 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Setting VanillaBiomesOn=true seemed to fix it, which is a bit odd because having it set to false when used with other biome mods didn't stop them from generating.


This is making me suspect file problems. I have a mac and the file structure is different for window and linux.


So if you load RTG + CC without any existing configs, you don't get the crash?


No, if you load it with existing configs, you don't get a crash. The problem is that the native biome check runs as soon as CC sets up its configs, but that's before EB has run at all (loading order) so the directory hasn't been created and boom. I don't think it needs to run then so I'll just take out the crash. I actually didn't mean to leave it.


It's the business about vanillaBiomeOn not making a difference that's making me suspicious.


Sorry, it might be working after all... during my testing of land vs water spawns, I recorded several vanilla biome 'names' but looking at the spreadsheet again, they weren't actually vanilla biomes... for example, Birch Forest and Savanna from EBXL (those are EBXL biomes) and the Mesa is from Highlands. Doh!

Anyway, let me know when you've taken out the crash and I'll close this one.