Realistic Terrain Generation

Realistic Terrain Generation


Mowzie's Mobs Ferrous Wroughtnaut crash

whichonespink44 opened this issue ยท 12 comments


I forgot to add this to the issue tracker originally.

It's related to the underground chamber that the Ferrous Wroughtnaut generates in.

I reported it in the Mowzie's Mobs thread a while ago but haven't checked to see if there's been any progress.


Mowzie replied with the following:

Hm... The crash is actually traced back to an incompatibility with LLibrary's structure API. I couldn't tell you the specifics, but a fix would require an edit of LLibrary, not Mowzie's Mobs. Sorry.

I posted an issue on the LLibrary tracker, so hopefully we're a little closer to getting this resolved.


@iLexiconn - would you be able to give us any insight into what might be causing this crash?


LLibrary is trying to load a block from a chunk that isn't loaded yet. I think a simple try/catch could fix it.


@iLexiconn Thanks for the insight - much appreciated. So is that try/catch something RTG should be doing? Or were you going to add a try/catch to LLibrary?


I think I just fixed it, but it's hard to test since MM can't run on the latest version of LLibrary yet.


I've tested it with MM 1.2.7, LLibrary 0.3.4, and RTG 0.7.0, it seems to generate just fine for me without crashes.


That's weird. We haven't changed anything from the structure API since we added it.


2016-03-23_09 50 19

I just generated a new world with RTG active, and there's the ferrous wroughtnaut chamber. I've had to use Extra Utilities unstable blocks to find them and show them easily. Also, MM's mobs seem to be generating in BOP biomes and in realistic ones. (e.g. a foliaath in a rainforest, barakoana in outbacks)


I see no changes in the structure generation at all. But at least it's fixed, right? ;)


Haha - it would be nice to know why, but yeah, to be honest I'm just happy that it's working. :)

I'll see if I can trace it back to the lowest MM version where it was crashing and then add a minimum required version check to RTG to make sure people are using a compatible version.

Thanks for everyone's help with this one... can't wait to add "RTG is now fully compatible with Mowzie's Mobs" on the release notes for RTG 0.8.0 ๐Ÿ˜„


Previously, I'd only tested up to version 1.2.2 of Mowzie's Mobs, but I just did a test with MM 1.2.6 and LL 0.6.2 (the version recommended on the MM OP), and sure enough, Wroughtnaut chambers are working fine!! :)

So somewhere between 1.2.2 and 1.2.6, this apparently got fixed? Do you think Mowzie added a try/catch somewhere to get around the structure API thing?