Realistic Terrain Generation

Realistic Terrain Generation


[EDIT:NO BUG]Highlands compatibility broken in 0.7.0?

Lodugh opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Im using RTG 0.7.0, Highlands 2.2.3 and BiomeTweaker 1.2.128 and I cant find any Highlands Biomes. I have some other mods runnig alongside those but I dont really think they would affect that part of the game. Or does it work for anyone else?



If you play a default world, do you get Highlands biomes? If you do, it's an RTG problem, if you don't your BiomeTweaker setup is not right.


at least in 1.8 you are not wrong


Oh I didnt know, that you have to set up BiomeTweaker manually. On the forum it just says you need BiomeTweaker but not that you need to set it up. Found the configuration part but you do not really know, that you HAVE to do it. Probably should be noted on the site.


And do you have to include mods like thaumcraft in the configs if you want to use them alongside Highlands?


@Lodugh I don't think you have to include the Thaumcraft biomes in the BiomeTweaker tweaks, unless you want to control how often they generate (weight). I haven't actually confirmed that though, so I could be wrong.