Realistic Terrain Generation

Realistic Terrain Generation


RTG .8 snapshot 4 odd mesa gen

vagaprime opened this issue ยท 9 comments


just created a new world after updating to snapshot 4 and the mesa gen seems a little off, ALso some biome transitions seem bugged.

top picture is taken in game the bottom picture is a saved map from journey map


@vagaprime Do you still have the world seed for this?

Can you confirm if this is still happening in snapshot 5?


There are some XZ inversions there. Topi, does any of your mesa code do XZ flips?


Nope, this is extremely weird. No idea what's going on. Like pink said. Seed and coords please


the seed is -2599301795896205058 and the cords are X=-25 Y=-130. I have not had a chance to upgrade to snaphot 5 yet, next time I get the the free time to update mods will be this weekend.


I'm just not seeing it. This is a mixture of all 3 Mesa biomes, or their mutations (Bryce).


wow srs, that world looks too good


Not sure if this will help as well but here is a list of all the mods I have in my pack at this time.


ok I have just updated to snapshot 5 and recreated the world. with the same result. If you like I can link you to a copy of the dev build of my pack with the world save included.


I've just tested the seed with RTG + CC + BOP, and I'm not seeing anything like the first screenshot.

@vagaprime I just had a look at your mod list and noticed that you're using BOP, but you haven't installed Climate Control or BiomeTweaker. Not sure if that's what's causing the problem, but if you want BOP biomes, you'll need either CC or BT as well as RTG.

I'm closing this for now, but let us know if it crops up again when the release candidate is published later tonight.