Realistic Terrain Generation

Realistic Terrain Generation


Villages sometimes end up being cut-off by terrain

chaNcharge opened this issue ยท 38 comments


Minecraft 1.7.10
RTG 0.8.0 RC-1
BiomeTweaker 2.0.182 loaded with RTG BOP tweaks
Seed: 3029737
2016-05-04_17 30 42


To be honest, I don't think there's much we can do about that. Terrain comes before village generation in the world gen process, so it's the village gen logic that would need to be fixed, and RTG shouldn't really be messing with village gen more than it already is.

Are you running any other mods that do anything with villages?

Either way, could you try setting "Enable village modifications"=false in config/RTG/rtg.cfg and see if it still happens?


I flew to those coordinates, just exploring around checking for any bugs. That's the only one I found so far and the village wasn't like that in snapshot-5. In snapshot-5 the village generates normally on the same seed, which is weird


RC-2 was just released. If you try loading up a new world with same seed using RC-2 and tp to those coords, it should hopefully be alright now.


Witchery seems to be the main mod that changes village gen, however TConstruct, MFR, Immersive Engineering, and Railcraft only add in village houses and structures. It seems to be much more frequent in 0.8.0 RC-1 than in any other versions though...


We fixed a bug in terrain decoration; when the next version comes out see if it's better. Did you TP there or walk/fly?


I just did a bit of flying around, and that seems to be fixed now. Everything seems to be pretty stable at this point for me :)


Guess what's back? This issue. Did a bit more flying around the same seed, found this. Coordinates are on top right under minimap. I also noticed this is hard to reproduce since the villages generate a bit differently each time I re-create this world.
2016-05-06_18 10 36
Houses are split, farms also seem to be split, but not the terrain. It's also relatively flat, so I'm not sure what is causing this.


I was going to say - these aren't vanilla villages. I could try setting a chunkvar to fix this.

Edit: sorry, that's not an option after all.


Oh yeah, sometimes houses don't even generate at all, and sometimes the village walls from witchery spawn underground. I think the wall is a witchery issue, but the cut-off of the houses is most likely RTG as I haven't seen this in the default world type


Can it be something to do with Witchery? I have got these generations:
2016-05-07_12 46 28
^ No other houses, just a well and farms xD
2016-05-07_12 43 23
However, not as bad as yours.


I'm going to try and reproduce this with the mod list above + Witchery.


Finished testing the dev build, using the same seed (3029737) and the config settings that I used above, and I found 2 errors, one getting cut-off into a village, and the return of an old error. I think this could be a witchery issue, I reported it to the Witchery devs just in case.
2016-05-14_13 25 07
2016-05-14_13 25 21


Can you generate the world without pregenning and just TP to that spot? It looks like biomes are misassigned, BTW, is that correct?


I did a little bit with more testing and I found something out. The bug seems to sort of be fixed, as I don't see this anymore, but now there's the problem with other structures getting in the way of villages. I think it is a possible fix in this mod, as I have yet to see something like this happen in default world gen. This image is in RC-2, not the dev build.
2016-05-14_22 52 13


Can my error (With using the dev build Pink posted) be, that i cant find any villages because of I:"Size of villages"=0 ? which is the default value?


Sorry to say but this bug is not the fault of RTG also not Witchery's, because i saw that serveral times before i added RTG.
Its an very strange bug, sometimes seed based sometimes not. Maybe the compination of used mods, i replaced fastcraft with OptiFine and it happend less frequent but that could be because i played around with it when i was using linux instead of fakeos. Sometimes i wish there where more debug infos shown in the logs, but maybe i to used to unreal engines exception handling.


Can my error (With using the dev build Pink posted) be, that i cant find any villages because of I:"Size of villages"=0 ? which is the default value?

No, that's the value that vanilla uses. I know it's not very intuitive (zero usually means disabled), but I assure you it's not because of that.


@chaNcharge Would you mind testing this dev build to see if it fixes the Witchery villages:



So far no luck in finding any villages, with above build xD Looked for around 1 hour so far. Still searching.

Using the default values:
villages {
# Set this to FALSE to resolve issues with mods that also modify villages.
# If set to FALSE, the 'Minimum distance between villages', 'Maximum distance between villages' & 'Size of villages' settings will have no effect.
# [default: true]
B:"Enable village modifications"=true

#  [default: true]
B:"Generate Villages"=true

# Lower values = villages closer together; 32 = Vanilla
#  [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 48]
I:"Maximum distance between villages"=48

# Higher values = villages further apart; 8 = Vanilla
#  [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 12]
I:"Minimum distance between villages"=12

# Higher values = bigger villages; 0 = Vanilla
#  [range: 0 ~ 10, default: 0]
I:"Size of villages"=0

# Set this to TRUE to if you are experiencing 'java.util.ConcurrentModificationException' crashes related to village generation.
# Defaults to FALSE unless EnviroMine is installed, in which case it defaults to TRUE.
#  [default: false]
B:"Village Crash Fix"=false



Just did a pregen 150 (90k chunks) and then a auto-map using journeymap. No villages.
(Used FastCraft 1.23, but it would not let me auto-map. Downgrading to 1.21 would let me automap with journeymap, not sure if thats a RTG issue or not, as the crashlog mentions fastcraft) But here is the crashlog i had:
Edit by Velocity: Uploaded log to pastebin.


Also as mentioned above, i generated the world using fastcraft 1.23, and after journeymap had automapped the world, i can see there is some chunk issues. Like
2016-05-14_20 12 48
Full Map screenshot download here: (With no villages as far as i can see) :P


I did modify some config settings, I'll test the dev build as soon as I can, but this can be hard to reproduce since villages generate differently each time I regenerate the same seed. Here's my config settings:

villages {
# Set this to FALSE to resolve issues with mods that also modify villages.
# If set to FALSE, the 'Minimum distance between villages', 'Maximum distance between villages' & 'Size of villages' settings will have no effect.
# [default: true]
B:"Enable village modifications"=true

#  [default: true]
B:"Generate Villages"=true

# Lower values = villages closer together; 32 = Vanilla
#  [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 48]
I:"Maximum distance between villages"=32

# Higher values = villages further apart; 8 = Vanilla
#  [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 12]
I:"Minimum distance between villages"=8

# Higher values = bigger villages; 0 = Vanilla
#  [range: 0 ~ 10, default: 0]
I:"Size of villages"=1

# Set this to TRUE to if you are experiencing 'java.util.ConcurrentModificationException' crashes related to village generation.
# Defaults to FALSE unless EnviroMine is installed, in which case it defaults to TRUE.
#  [default: false]
B:"Village Crash Fix"=false

So I reproduced this in vanilla Minecraft, @chroohn seems to be right, and I found this in a vanilla world. So since this is a vanilla bug, I don't think there is much we can do about that. However, this glitch only occurs in vanilla if I reload the world as soon as I see a village, with my mods, it happens without a reload. Strange...
2016-05-15_11 49 38
EDIT: Here's the vanilla bug post:
EDIT 2: I actually do believe this bug was fixed in the dev version you gave me, as I have not seen this happen at all yet, compared to RC-2. I'm just noting every observation I discover, so bear with me.
EDIT 3: Another observation, so it seems that village houses now override other structures so basically when other structures try to spawn in a village, it clears any blocks that is in the way of the village house, which is fine by me.


Seems this is still happening. #726


#726 (comment)

I found all these villages in final version (0.8.0), not in dev/RC. And I didn't find villages without this problem. (However, I didn't change config at all. I think default configuration a-priory should work properly.)


Looked at his issue, the version I used to test this was the dev version @whichonespink44 gave me. It's possibly fixed as I haven't seen it happen again. I'll check it out and investigate


So as far as I know, the villages are not being cut-off, they're overriding the terrain as it should, but I'm still not quite sure yet. There's probably still that elusive #705 village bug, haven't encountered that either. Will continue testing and investigating for about a week or so.


I just encountered a very strange bug where I got the village cutoff bug (for the first time, BTW). I regenerated it again and got a different set of cutoffs, and then the next 6 times or so the village completely disappeared. The Mojang routine has a pretty common Mojang problem of using an ivar where it should be using something else so it may be a case of different villages interfering with each other or some other kind of race condition.


this might be something like the simmilar ocean monument bug we had in 1.8.9
That problem turned out to be monument generation being skipped in one of the three places it is called from CPRTG. You should check that they all are there and get called.


That's unlikely (for this bug); villages only get called once, and it's as part of the entire populate call, which is going off.


The Mojang routine has a pretty common Mojang problem of using an ivar where it should be using something else so it may be a case of different villages interfering with each other or some other kind of race condition.

If this is the case, is there anything we can do? With all of these various village bugs cropping up, I'm starting to wonder if completely overwriting the village system with our own is the way to go.


If that's the problem, we'll need to rewrite the village system, because the current one probably won't tolerate multithreading. Of course that will bring a new set of incompatibility problems.


Yeah, introducing a completely new village system at this stage (especially to remedy what seems to be a bug with vanilla village gen, as per the linked bug report) isn't something I want to do.

I'm thinking we should probably close this.


We should leave it open for now. If I'm right, the bug is vanilla, but it's made worse by the way we're decorating, which makes more use of multithreading. I could try moving the decoration clearing from primarily in the chunkloader thread to the "normal" population check, but we need some kind of benchmark to see if it's actually helping. (In that case, we'll be changing the chunks that actually get populated, but we'll at least be doing population on the thread it's normally done on.)

That might help with the ConcurrentModificationException some people are getting, too.


This also happend to me in 1.9.4 ๐Ÿ™


Potentially fixed in df5df01

Closing this for now, but we can re-open if necessary.


It's very strange, but in 1.0-snapshot-1 I found some villages with this problem.
And I think, that this problem is not in villages' ocde, because I found some things with similar behavior/issue - snow on mountains is cut-off (in chess-pattern), rectangles (when viewed from above) of non-UB-fied stone (latest beta of UBC is installed). Maybe, this info will be useful.

P. S. Sorry for my English, I'm from Russia.