Realistic Terrain Generation

Realistic Terrain Generation


Add support for Agricultural Revolution

whichonespink44 opened this issue · 16 comments


From @whichonespink44 on February 28, 2016 14:6

Copied from original issue: Team-RTG/1.8.9-Realistic-Terrain-Generation#24


Just so you know, this mod is for 1.10.2 and 1.9.4 now.


I've added support for this in the 1.10.2 version (PR #942), but I haven't merged it into dev yet because there's a problem with AR's oceanic biomes. Essentially, they're crashing when trying to generate, and I don't know why:

I'll post this in the AR thread on Minecraft Forums and see if @mrmoeman can shed some light on what might be happening.


I've asked for some help from the author of AR:

Hopefully between us both, we can figure out why those oceanic biomes are crashing.


Added in 90e4817


Not sure if this affects anything, but this mod recently changed its mod id from cookingplus to agriculturalrevolution


@WenXin20 Are you sure? I just downloaded the latest version for 1.10.2 and the mod ID is still 'CookingPlus'


The mod ID in the file hasn't been updated and it still CookingPlus, but if you look at the bytecode in the main class, the mod ID has indeed changed:� #Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod;� �modid� �agriculturalrevolution

This is what I'm seeing in the 1.10.2 version:

@Mod(modid="CookingPlus", name="The Agricultural Revolution", version="0.8.1", acceptedMinecraftVersions="[1.10.2]")
public class CookingPlusMain
  public static final String MODID = "CookingPlus";
  public static final String MODNAME = "The Agricultural Revolution";
  public static final String VERSION = "0.8.1";

I was looking at the bytecode for: v0.9.0


Bleh, my bad... I could've sworn that's the one I downloaded!

So I guess we should update our reference to the new ID when we release 4.1.19... it will mean that worlds won't be backwards-compatible with worlds that have AR pre 0.9, but that's already the case with AR on its own, so that should be fine, right?


I'm making a fix right now. Worlds should be backwards compatible just fine, unless they changed something in the mod which requires us to change something other than just the mod ID.


Well, it says this on the mod page:

WARNING: if you are planning on updating the mod from 0.8.9 or before to 0.9 it will not work on old worlds


Oh, sorry, didn't realise what I even typed. What I meant was

  • any version of AR can still be used with RTG.
  • any backwards incompatibility is with AR, not RTG.

So, we don't need to put up a warning that RTG won't be backwards compatible, just that worlds created with the older version of AR won't be. (they should have reflected this in their version number by bumping the major! 😏 )


Updated in 37f80f5


From @topisani on February 28, 2016 15:0

Whats included in this? im guessing it doesnt need biometweaker voodoo, so its just adding the biomes? ima need a bit of guidance for this


Cool, yeah I can give you a crash course in biome support... can also put something in the GitBook for reference.

It's basically just creating a biome config, realistic biome, terrain, and surface for all of the overworld biomes in the mod. I usually do an NEI dump to get the biome names and class names if they don't have an API. From there, it's basically choosing an existing biome that most closely resembles the one you're adding support for and then tweaking as necessary. The tweaking is a little complicated, but we can go through it at some point.