Realistic Terrain Generation

Realistic Terrain Generation


1.9.4 dev (my 2 cents)

whichonespink44 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


From @Ezoteric on June 7, 2016 1:18

Ill keep this updated with all my finds.

no config files are made. fixed

No cobble stone on mountanis, just stone and its ore
Cactus in plains
acacia wood in plains, taiga
jungle trees in forest, extremehills.
palm tree in plains
fallen trees in deserts
spruce and oak trees in savanna
vines on oak trees in forest
In other words, the decorations seem too add random things to biomes.
cactus in cold biomes, acacia in cold biomes. etc etc you get the point :P

didnt find any village in pregen, when i recreated map i flew over plains and still no village (didnt test this thoroughly tho)
3 of the scattered features spawn, i have seen ocean monuments

cobweb boulder underwater (this was a lake where i spotted it)

half the swamp is open stone (and ores)

Copied from original issue: Team-RTG/1.9-Realistic-Terrain-Generation#122


From @topisani on June 9, 2016 0:13

right thanks, the config thing is fixed.
The cobble thing is "intentional", that is, i am aware, and i have plans to integrate the 1.8 stones in the surfacing, but havent gotten around to it yet.

No idea about the decorations, id have to look into that

structures seems weird, no idea about that either.

the cobwebs are a known issue, @whichonespink44 decorations are kinda your thing, any ideas?

right, ill look at swamp surfacing.


Re: decorations... there's a lot of stuff from 1.7.10 that hasn't been ported yet, so most of those issues will get fixed when it does. The decorations bleeding into other biomes is intentional, although it might be doing it more in 1.9.x versions. Again, this will get sorted after 1.7.10 stuff is migrated.


From @Ezoteric on June 9, 2016 12:18

updated, i have seen ocean monument


From @Ezoteric on June 9, 2016 12:38

Village cut

2016-06-09_00 19 41


From @topisani on June 20, 2016 0:26

this village thing was fixed in 1.7.10 right? if so, whoever did that, how? and could it be ported to 1.9


From @Zeno410 on June 20, 2016 16:19

No, the village thing wasn't fixed. It turned out to happen at least some of the time in vanilla. When I spotted it and tried to track it, it evaporated, so my suspicion is a conflict when it's trying to generate two villages at once.