Realistic Terrain Generation

Realistic Terrain Generation


1.10.2 ticking world crash

Zygus42 opened this issue ยท 2 comments

Affected Mod Versions:

(Please list other mods and their versions if you feel they are relevant to this issue. i.e. Biomes O' Plenty)

  • Forge version: forge-1.10.2-
  • RTG version: RTG-1.10.2-
Issue Description:

Ticking World crash. Once you find a place that crashes, it keeps crashing in the same way at the same place.

Steps to reproduce the issue: (If it's easily reproducible.)

Unknown. A Placemod item got pasted in at the same time, but I removed that mod and same ticking crash happened.

Extra Information:



net.minecraft.util.WeightedRandom#getTotalWeight is causing an IllegalArgumentException in net.minecraft.util.WeightedRandom#getRandomItem

getTotalWeight returns a summation of the spawn weights of spawnable entities (in this case, EnumCreatureType.CREATURE) for a biome, and if the value is <=0 it throws the IllegalArgumentException, instead of passing a <=0 value to Random, which would then throw it's own IllegalArgumentException.
(GG Mojang, throwing your own exception with less syntax then just letting Random do it! :smug:)

This can not be caused by RTG as we don't add mobs, nor do we alter spawn weights; We simply call doPopulate on the chunk. The cause of this will be another mod that adds EnumCreatureType.CREATURE type mobs and registers them with erroneous spawn weight values, OR possibly a poorly written CraftTweaker script that erroneously alters the spawn weights (if CraftTweaker has that capability).

@Zygus42 If this is something that you can reproduce easily with the mods you are currently using, I suggest testing for which mod is causing this by removing mods that add friendly mobs one at a time until the crashing stops.


Sorry - I know you closed this, but it happens on our world build when we have RTG-1.10.2- installed, but not with what we're currently using which is RTG-1.10.2- I haven't tried out the snapshots in-between, so I'm not clear on when the problem has been introduced, but it is quite clearly something to do with RTG in some fashion. I will do some more testing tomorrow and see what I can find out.