Realistic Torches

Realistic Torches


[Request] Compatibility with MineColonies

exocyt0sis opened this issue ยท 0 comments


MineColonies is a quite popular mod (currently having over 50 million (!) downloads on CurseForge). Unfortunately, RealisticTorches doesn't play that well with it. The issue, it seems, is that Realistic Torches replace Mojang's "vanilla torches" with a new block ID number. MineColonies isn't aware of it, meaning that its buildings are left completely dark - no torches are being placed there at all.

With this said, can anything be done on Realistic Torches' end to provide mod compatibility with MineColonies so its citizens will build their structures with Realistic Torches' own torches?

I'm crossing my fingers you'll consider implementing this request one way or another. In any case, thank you for a great mod that really adds a ton of immersion to the game!