Rebirth of the Mobs

Rebirth of the Mobs


[Bug/Mod Incompatibility] Neutral mobs are not forced to aggro with summon/deathspawn in Rebirth of the Night modpack

SandwichHorror opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Even if set to "auto-aggro", neutral mobs (such as llamas, wolves, Myrmex Swarmers) will not automatically aggro to the summoner's target in the Rebirth of the Night modpack.

This issue is very troublesome to replicate outside of the modpack, as I attempted to isolate every mob-AI-affecting mod and never experienced the bug in an instance with all of those mods and ROTM alone. However, it is 100% reproducible with the full modpack, and the process of determining which mod is responsible after having apparently eliminated all of the normal suspects would be... time-consuming, to say the least.


If you could send me the mod list (preferably a zip so I dont have to DL them all) and the configs as well so I can just load in and test it myself. I assume you tried with just vanilla MC since you said its only reproducible with the full pack.


@Quarris Download the zip or clone the repo located here:


I'm getting an error trying to launch the game from dev. Some mod is using Mixins and my dev doesnt like it. Looks like you're gonna have to search through the mods and find which one is causing it.


Im going to close this. I dont have time and frankly the will to sift through 200+ mods to find exactly which mod is causing this. If you find out more about this then please reopen