Recurrent Complex

Recurrent Complex


Conflict with Immersive Engineering multiblocks

superdave4054 opened this issue · 3 comments


Issue report for Minecraft 1.10.2
RC version1.3.1-1.10
IvToolKit version 1.3.3-1.10
IE version 0.10-58

A structure built using water wheels, the improved windmill, and other IE blocks generates with the water wheels and windmills sideways and essentially lose their rotation. All the pieces are intact, just the sideways spawning wheels/mills. Not sure if this is associated to this issue, but once the wheels/mills get harvested to place them normally, the items dupe.

sideways mill


Do you happen to know if this still occurs in the latest versions of ReC / Immersive Engineering?


If he doesn't answer, I'll test this later today. Seems like he's rather inactive.



//e²: for future visitors: just saw that the Rotatable and Mirrored options are causing this in general and not only for Immersive Engineering blocks (the buttons say not to active them when using certain (tile)entities). If you're having similar issues and need a quick fix, disable these options (and maybe create separate rotated/mirrored versions yourself instead).


Minecraft: 1.12.2
Recurrent Complex: 1.4.7
Immersive Engineering: 0.12 - 89


How the structure should look like (foreground: /#copy + /#paste, background: structure build):
2019-03-14_16 30 36

Generated in the world (rotations are off, as described):
2019-03-14_16 25 12

The windmill doesn't duplicate upon harvesting it, but the waterwheel does (I've re-placed the windmills, don't mind them here):
2019-03-14_16 26 16

Notice how the hit & bounding boxes are still there, even after harvesting. Again, this does only affect the waterwheel. The windmill behaves as expected.

The waterwheel itself has several bounding boxes, not just one (inner circle, excluding iron blocks):
2019-03-14_16 41 28

If there's anything else I can test, let me know 🐢

//e: the duplication happens for every single left-over bounding box.