Recurrent Complex

Recurrent Complex


Crash during Server Boot after Upgrading 132->1432

aelfwyne opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Was running 132 version on 1.11.2 MC.

Upgraded server to 1432 version, and server crashes during bootup while executing Rec Complex init.

Pastebin below:

commented is, as listed on curse, for MC 1.12. is the same for MC 1.11.


Thanks for the update...

Are you sure the version checking is correct then? Because I don't think I was getting the "wrong version" error that I would normally get, but rather other errors.

As far as having the wrong version - that actually happened with several others yesterday. I think there's a glitch on Curse that downloads the wrong one sometimes. I actually watched one twice in a row when I clicked on the 1.11 version actually downloaded the 1.12 instead. First time I thought I misclicked, second time I actually watched it download the wrong file. Several downloaded the 1.10 versions when I clicked on the 1.11.... of course none of that is anything you can fix. But likely how I ended up with the wrong version.


I'd report that to curse maybe. ReC doesn't have an internal MC version check - which I should maybe change some time.