Recurrent Complex

Recurrent Complex


World "Playability" [Problem]

Athveranyr opened this issue ยท 1 comments


This modification captures my interest's and I love the variety of structures that are included, as well as the generation config options and ability to make custom structures. Yet, the mod gives me (I don't know about anyone else) some problems that I feel should be looked into.

The mod version I am reporting is:
RecurrentComplex-1.4.7 - 1.12.2

The forge version is:

However, this modification has a problem with how playable it is in a single player environment.
With up to 8 gigabytes of ram in testing (I keep an average of 5-6G allocated to minecraft normally) the game STILL suffers tremendously on world generation loading times, and sometimes the game can even crash or boot you out of the world into the multiplayer menu before the world loads successfully if the world generation stagnates for to long, if this does not happen, the mod causing chained chunk generation, and pre-generating chunks causes cascading world generation lag.

Next, while the mod is installed there is a severe player snap back (boomeranging) problem, and a world lockup problem, where chunks stop generating and all actions stop registering for seconds or minutes straight, and is only fixed if you wait, or if you force a manual crash/close the application. The server aspect of the single player world essentially bricks up while the actual client stays responsive, yet the server aspect is not registering anything or processing anything.

Lastly, Light weight mode being on helps lower the initial world generation loading time, but when the option is off the initial generation of a new world takes much longer as previously stated, and can crash or boot you to the multiplayer menu on some occasions as previously stated. Once in the world no amount of turning options on or off or adjusting settings seems to remove that other effects stated.

I would not expect a (presumably) "simple" process of "procedurally" generating structures in a world to be so intensive/complex or possibly just unstable for the way the mod accomplishes it...

If you would like the following I can provide them if asked for:

  • Logs from the game running normal (request time in world: 30sec, 1 minutes 2min+30sec, 5min)
  • Logs from a manually initiated crash / A crash that occurs on world creation / terrain generation
  • Full Modification list
  • Personal Computer Hardware Specifications

(Edit: The other World Generation mods I have do cause this lag (in very small quantities/almost never), but only in spectator mode when flying at max speed or something absurd like that, with the Recurrent Complex mod installed the effect is increased exponentially and the lagbacks and other effects happen while flying at normal speed in creative and sometimes even while sprinting in survival...)


Old Report ~ I don't care about this anymore ~ Closing