Recurrent Complex

Recurrent Complex


Script Block syntax for spawn CustomNPCs

TheSexyYeti opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I'm completely confused with the syntax used to spawn custom NPCs when using the Script Block. Could you give me some insight?. Cuz I honestly have no clue what I'm doing. I just got this example off of the CustomNPCs forum "world.spawnClone(90, 109, 465, 1, 'Ristai')". And tried to adapt it to be used in a Recurrent Complex script block. Obviously that didn't work. But then I look at the syntax use in Recurrent Complex and I'm even more confused. And I'm not a coder. I'm just a guy trying to make some random gen for my server with NPCs in them.


yea, that command is for scripting in customnpcs, its a feature that allows you to code behaviours and events using languages like java for your customnpcs to allow high level server and map makers to do cool stuff however you want to use the /noppes clone command, first make sure your clone is saved in one of the server tabs , not the client ones , then use this syntax in a runcommand tab in the script block , '/noppes clone spawn [clone name] [tab]' (tab is a number referencing the tab that the clone is saved in under the server clones heading)

i hope that helps , if there are any issues then just add another comment :)