A question you probably get a million times
TheSexyYeti opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Can the /noppes command be used with the script block to spawn CustomNPC's?. I tried to use it to spawn an NPC in one of my structures. But the script block doesn't seem to recognize the /noppes command. I've managed to get a regular Minecraft command block to spawn the NPC. But I want the NPC to spawn when the structure generates. Which I have no idea how to do with a vanilla command block. That and the RC script blocks disappears when they're generated. Which is super convenient seeing as I would have to hide a command block. I'm sure ya'll get this question like a million times. So if I figure this out I will do you and noppes a favor and do a video tutorial on YouTube so people can stop bugging you two about it.
But this is the command I've been using,...
/noppes clone spawn NPCname 1 0 : x : y : z
And for some reason the NPC's name gets changed to "x". Still trying to figure that one out.