Recurrent Complex

Recurrent Complex


No way to select modded biomes with Expression

Opened this issue ยท 6 comments


1.12.2. Able to use expression to select "name=plains", but not "name=fen". Can't find any literature on it, and it seems others have similar issues.

Really surprised this mod wouldn't have the ability to select ONLY individual biomes, and not just dictionary ones.


For anyone who searches and finds this:

The Syntax is id=modid:biomeid.

Example: "id=minecraft:savanna", or "biomesoplenty:redwood_forest".

This will let you select specific biomes, without crashing mutliplayer.
If you use name=Biome, it will "work" in singleplayer generation, but will crash your server upon startup. Example: "name=Redwood Forest" works in singleplayer, but causes crashes on server startup.


I think you're looking for id=fen


Tested, and it doesn't work. id=plains does, but fen does not. Nor Redwood Forest, or Sugi Forest. I don't think there's a way to select modded biomes by ID or Name.


Are you sure "fen" is an ID? If you want to match biomes with spaces, eg.g. Redwood Forest, you need parentheses such as "id=Redwood Forest".


id=fen does not work, however, name=Fen does work. Using name= has worked beautifully, thanks for your help. This has to be the greatest structures mod to ever exist!


Thanks, glad to get this sorted out :)