IllegalArgumentException: bound must be positive
C0rn3j opened this issue ยท 9 comments
When arriving at this structure my server console went crazy with errors.
http://pastebin.com/y7yVxjKa - looks to be this error over and over again
Is there any way to reproduce the issue? I tested the structure but it works fine. I also checked the code but the error seems somehow impossible... Maybe update Forge?
Well Forge was version 2092(2094 was newest at the time). I guess I could give you the world seed and you can see if it happens on it?
[19:25:46] [Server thread/INFO]: Seed: 2674399195280124365
Coords are on the screenshot above
Btw it might possibly be Enchanting plus, I already reported a bug to LootBags and it turned out to be a problem with loot tables caused by EP.
I have found the place, but my structure registry seems to be different from yours - in the place where you got the fort, it generates a spider pit for me. Do you have some mod that modifies vanilla loot tables?
I don't know those mods well enough to warrant a judgement on that myself :P
But I'm currently guessing that must be it. Like I said, from a code perspective, that problem seems to be impossible, so it must be a coremod change of sorts bringing it out. Although it seems weird that it won't happen in villages too, then.
I'll leave this issue open for now but unless there's more info somewhere (e.g. I can reproduce it or it turns out to be some other mod) I don't see a way to tackle it currently.
There's a download link to all these mods if you want to test it yourself. It should work fine if you downgrade Baubles to a stable version.
EDIT: Baubles in the modpack is now updated and works fine
Ivorforce, the structure generation you got from that seed is likely different because C0rn3j appears to be using Biomes O' Plenty when generating their world. Just thought I should point that out
Closing this since @Darkhax has confirmed it to be caused by Enchanting Plus.