- 2
Block: structure generator not working
#1 opened by Zarzuf - 2
A small issue (:
#2 opened by xJon - 5
Weird crash on server
#3 opened by xJon - 3
Request: Spawn Generation
#4 opened by hilburn - 10
Weird crash on server (Part 2)
#5 opened by xJon - 2
Request: Option to turn off default structures easily
#8 opened by Saphrym - 7
#9 opened by xJon - 1
Overlapping structures
#11 opened by piotrb - 4
Strange broken world gen of structures ..
#12 opened by piotrb - 1
Weird issue
#13 opened by xJon - 2
Crash with blank space in install path
#14 opened by Mattsingen - 3
FR: Conditional generation for natural structures
#15 opened by marcmagus - 11
Recurrent Complex and Apache Commons Libraries Crash
#16 opened by GodNero - 1
Crash after a few minutes in a world
#17 opened by zetcipher - 1
Crash when creating world
#18 opened by RedsaphirCZ - 1
Crash , forge 1388
#20 opened by Pilad - 15
Typo on the config file
#21 opened by xJon - 4
Crash with Mystcraft
#22 opened by xJon - 3
#23 opened by xJon - 5
minDistToSpawnForGeneration ignored for village structures
#24 opened by XombyCraft - 4
Item Frames and structure rotation
#26 opened by Thutmose - 2
Vanilla rails and rotation
#27 opened by Thutmose - 4
[Mod Issue]: Certain Carpenter's Blocks Don't Orientate Properly & Microparts Don't get "Scanned" and thus not transfered :/
#29 opened by Lanse505 - 1
Odd, random crash related to Hats.
#30 opened by starg09 - 1
Easier way to enable and disable structures
#31 opened by lesdmark - 3
Custom Item Generator not being created
#32 opened by fishmealx - 2
Spawn Command Blocks error
#33 opened by fishmealx - 2
Overwrite the schematic part of a structure while keeping it's data
#34 opened by WolfieWaffle - 1
Generate structure in nether
#35 opened by skydark - 1
Apply templates on exporting Crash
#36 opened by CcytherR - 0
Loot Chests crash on load
#37 opened by Ivorforce - 4
Crashing on spawn generation
#38 opened by Ganjalf-Amsterdoom - 0
Add loot table support for Twilight Forest
#40 opened by Thunder7102 - 1
Have an easier way to generate test structures
#39 opened by Berstarke - 2
[Question] Spawning conditions
#42 opened by Polyblock - 4
[Suggestion] Make the books you generate modifiable
#43 opened by Sunconure11 - 2
Weird Insta-Crash Depending on Gen Size
#45 opened by Merancapeman - 1
Crash while editing a structure
#44 opened by Voidi - 1
Mazes sometimes spawn with the exits not connected to eachother
#46 opened by filloax