Redstone Control 2

Redstone Control 2


Topics for in-game manual

CD4017BE opened this issue · 3 comments


I'm planning to add an in-game manual to the mod to explain the more general mechanics that don't really fit into the tool-tip of a specific item or are too long to describe in advancements.
So this issue serves as a place to collect important topics that should be in there:

  • cable and part placement / removal -> chapter Placement Tips
  • how the cable connection system works -> chapter Connecting components
  • how to read the part tool-tips and understand the gate probe readouts -> chapters Connecting components & Circuit Debugging
  • how to use the ports to transfer between microblock and external signals, items, energy etc. -> chapter External I/O
  • tips on how to experiment with parts and debug circuits. -> chapter Circuit Debugging
  • specialties of the signal system: 32 bit signals, bitwise logic, disconnected inputs are "floating"

I'm looking exactly for that.
Trying to understand what each component do and some are really hard.
Example: the item counter. No matter what I do, it always says has inventory: no :(


Hi, I've tried out this mod. I understand that this issue is to enumerate the documentations, so I'm just replying to indicate some of the more telling pain points in my experience so far.

  • I think there needs to be general documentation in here as well about how to deal with microblocks. It took me some time to find out that I can only interact with microblocks individually only if I'm holding a microblock. If not, I will get combined pieces as blocks. (Maybe have a craftable microblock tool?)

  • 2-input gates work with specific pairing of input sides, and not arbitrarily. For example, if I connect two inputs to opposing sides of a NAND gate, the output will be incorrect, and it has to be, if output is on the right, from the top and left sides. I don't have an issue with how it works but it will be good to have something explaining why it works this way and clear documentation on which sides pair up.

  • There has to be more effective ways of placement than what I'm doing now (digging two blocks into the ground just to make sure the input port faces upwards for a data splitter). (The craftable microblock tool may apply here too. Aim-based placement is a lot easier with bigger blocks but I struggle with microblocks due to an increased dynamic sense of space)

  • When I tried to make the constant circuit in the Redstone Research Lab using a vanilla comparator, somehow it only worked if the comparator was set to subtract mode. It is not explained why.

  • The comparator reader has nearly the same tool-tip as the analog reader, except that it mentions comparators. Does that
    "comparator" in the tool-tip NOT refer to the vanilla Minecraft comparator (which I tested to only work with the analog reader and not this)? Why does it have a different colour at the read head and not red like the other readers? What does the "external comparator" refer to in its tool-tip? Does that belong to Redstone Control 2 (since it's not the vanilla one)?

I'm trying to enumerate the parts that may be confusing to a new player from my own experience as a new player.


What the symbols ⨂ and ⨀ mean should be stated.