Redstone Control

Redstone Control


Better wiki

sug0 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Please finish writing the wiki for this mod. I can't get the block breakers to work, it's really frustrating trying to understand how anything works without any sort of documentation, bar reading the source code (which may not always help).

Great mod though mate, I'm enjoying using what I understand of it lol


TODO create missing wiki pages:

  • Signal Transmission
  • Signal Timing
  • Clock Signals
  • Block References
  • Energy
  • Compact Circuits
  • Control Panel
  • Block Covers
  • Signal Processing
  • Memory
  • Comparator
  • Translocators
  • Block Breaker
  • Item Placer
  • Chunkloader
  • Teleporter
  • IO Controller
  • Quarry

TODO fix outdated wiki pages:

  • Signal Transmission (Probe Monitor & splitter plugs)