Redstone Control

Redstone Control


Placing a wire crash the game when using shaders

Agarast opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Placing a wire between two anchors crashes the game. From what I've tested, and what's in the crash report, it seems like it's coming from the wire's shader.

Crash report

Environment : 1.12.2, optifine U F5


I have the same problem


Got this as well, as for optifine, reporting to them tends to be like a brick wall when it comes to mod compatibility.

EDIT: i was on a server when i crashed, i logged back in without shaders. Your wire was bugged, i removed the wire and it still showed it was in the socket.

EDIT2: deleted second post cause its info could be unrelated. Have too wait for the owner before we can know for sure.


At first from the exception type and the fact that it happened within a call to dump raw vertex data into the render buffer, it seems that my vertex data might have had the wrong format for optifine's shader.

However, at close inspection of the call stack, I see that the vertex buffer was actually setup by my own code and explicitly set to vertex format Block which is exactly what my code later fed into the buffer. So ... I would say Optifine messed it up.