Redstone Pen

Redstone Pen


RLC preview FOV doesn't match game FOV

MeowcaTheoRange opened this issue · 3 comments


While holding the RLC, the item shows a preview of what orientation and position it will be in when it is placed.
However, when your FOV is set to anything lower or higher than 70°, you may notice the preview's FOV is different, causing this weird "double-vision" effect where the item appears out of line with the grid and bigger/smaller than it would on 70°.

Screenshots (Fabric 1.19.4, Java 17):

The RLC, seen at 30° FOV:
2024-07-20_17 13 57

The RLC, seen at 70° FOV (Normal):
2024-07-20_17 18 38

The RLC, seen at 110° FOV (Quake Pro):
2024-07-20_17 14 18

This also happens when the item is viewed through a Spyglass, like when using it in the offhand before hovering over a block space in reach.

The RLC, viewed though a Spyglass on 70° FOV:
2024-07-20_17 20 57

The RLC, zoomed into with Zume on 70° FOV:
2024-07-20_17 23 24


Hi, ty for the hint and the details. I checked with latest 1.21 fabric version, too - same issue; I simply did not take FOV into account. Currently no real idea yet how to fix it, maybe just hooking into another rendering step. Let's see ;)


... subscribing to the correct level renderer helped ;). 1.21 Scheduled for the next release.


Oky, fixed in v1.11.36.