Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Items from full and semi-full disks not available

xeesus opened this issue · 1 comments


Issue description:

I left my server running overnight with a quantum quarry's (from ExtraUtils2) output going into the RS system and cobblestone and dirt going into quantum storage units (from QuantumStorage) using external storage cables. Next day, I have my system only with possible crafting orders and dirt and cobble in it, all other items gone. Also, I was unable to either put or retrieve items to the system. I checked the disks, and their description said they had items in them, so I tried to put them in the disk manipulator, but it treated them like empty ones.

What happens:

Items disappeared, unable to use RS system.

What you expected to happen:

The opposite of that

Steps to reproduce:

The setup I had (quantum quarry + RS system) has been working perfectly before, so I have absolutely no idea why would the system break

Version (Make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.10.2
  • Forge: 1.10.2-
  • Refined Storage: 1.2.22

Does this issue occur on a server? Yes


duplicate. #821

restore from backup