Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Delay when opening system

mika1369 opened this issue ยท 32 comments


Issue description:

Delay / "Lag" when opening system

@way2muchnoise mentioned in #641 that some profiling information could be useful, is this also the case here?

What happens:

when I right click any of the grids (Fluid and wireless not tested as I do not have them yet)

What you expected to happen:

Early game they opened instantly, I have 120k items in the system, so could easily simply be that it loses performance as the number of items increase.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. right click a grid
  2. move the mouse, screen will still move around a second or two
  3. GUI opens

Version (Make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.10.2
  • Forge:
  • Refined Storage:1.2.22

Does this issue occur on a server? [yes/no]
I would assume so, though i have only used the mod in singleplayer

If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here:

I am not sure any logs would help, please do let me know if any are wanted


Can you make a video of this?


I should be able to.

Ill let you know in just a bit if i can get my software to cooperate


Cool. Do you have any other lag issues in your world? Or is it just the grid opening slowly?


It shouldn't lose perf with more items, since it's just an item count increase. Nothing special. What external storages do you have connected to RS?


I have some issues with actually crashing due to (I believe anyhow) lag when i fly around fast in RFtools dimensions.

And sometimes every minute or so theres a strange "Stutter" like a lagspike but quite short

This is in the latest skyfactory 3 release by the way.

Also, no external storage, only a disk block with 8 64k disks, 5 of them were added just before i stopped playing yesterday, so only the first 3 are in use.


Nvidia showdowplay is acting up, ill grab some dinner and come fiddle with it afterwards, should have a video done in an hour or so.


Cool, thanks. Is the stutter you're having a lag stutter (server not responding) or FPS stutter?


Im not sure, how would i tell?


Does Minecraft hang for a few seconds or is there lag when placing blocks or opening GUIs (the main game still responds to movement etc)?


Thanks. Do let me know if you end up needing anything else.


More like just a instant screen freeze, not really enough to annoy me, but enough so that i notice.

Aparently shadowplay makes very big files, so just put it on youtube


That screen freeze seems like another issue. But the grid issue is interesting. Which pack is this, and can you send me a world download? I'll have to investigate this locally in a dev environment.


Latest skyfactory 3 from the curse launcer, the beta version .7 i think it is.

World download was around 160 mb, and zipping only got it down to 16, so had to put it on dropbox, as githup only accepts 10


Thanks. I'll take a look at it tomorrow.


Sorry for prodding, just wanted to ask if you had a chance to look around in the save?


Not yet.


I'm having the same exact issue with my Refined Storage system. I had no issues with older versions of RS, but the new versions cause extreme lag when opening a grid. Here's a video to demonstrate the issue.


I don't want to be annoying, but this issue renders the recent updates of the mod completely unplayable. Had a chance to look at this yet? :(


Sorry, but you're being annoying. I'm on a vacation.


Wish I got that much vacation time. May I ask where I sign up?


Nowhere. Perhaps show some respect.


Well damn I was looking forward to my new job. Either way I give people who earned respect the respect they deserve. I was for sure no disrespecting you. I don't have RS I'm considering it right now for me pack. I was just checking this out and I saw this vacation thing and I thought what a perfect time to lighten the mood.


I'll try removing all armor and weapons that have a damage value attached. What other items would have complex NBT?


Is there any update on this issue? Probable causes, workarounds?


No updates on this one.

Probable cause: item with too complex NBT in the system.
Workaround: remove the item with too complex NBT in the system.


All highly customized items like enchanted ones, portable containers, tinker's tools, etc.


I had this same issue over the past few days, until I ended up seeing over 12000ms lag spikes whenever I opened a grid. After seeing this thread, I exported all of the bows, weapons, and armor (almost all damaged and/or enchanted) my mob farm had collected into a trash can and now my grid access is quite responsive. Thanks for the tip about complex NBT items creating issues with RS, and thanks for a great mod! (Update: My issue was seen using SF3 in a local game.)


I've found out some more info about this issue--I destroyed nearly all complex NBT items from my inventory, but still had about 4-5 seconds of lag upon opening the grid. I disconnected all of my crafters with patterns, and that further reduced lag to less than 1 second upon grid opening. I have about 1200 patterns stored in my Refined Storage system, so that might help diagnose the problem.


@ryangap Is this 1.11?


Also, I had to power cycle my grid to clear out a number of items that had been exported but still were showing up in the grid, which cleared a lot of lag. This is still in SF3, so 1.10.


@ryangap Is this 1.11?

I'm in a 1.10.2 modpack which is running the latest release version, Refined Storage 1.2.25. I haven't tried it with any of the beta versions.


The cause of this has been identified here: #1245.

Closing because that issue is more relevant.