Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Refined Storage doesnt check availability of Items for Just Enough Items Recipes

ThorstenHouy opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Issue description:

If you use the Crafting Grid with JEI recipes the add button will be available even if the neccesary items are not available. That makes you think you have all items needed.

What happens:

After clicking he add button in the JEI window the Crafting Grid only contains items which the system has.

What you expected to happen:

Like the standard Crafting Table i would expect that Refined Storage shows me the missing items and disables the add button.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open the Crafting Grid
  2. Click the item you want to craft (Choose a recipe you dont have the items for) on the right side and (JEI
  3. Click the add button in the recipe window.
  4. Wonder why missing items wasnt shown

Version (Make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.10.2
  • Forge: for Minecraft 1.10.2
  • Refined Storage: 1.2.23

Intended behavior. Sometimes you just want to fill the crafting table as much as possible, without being locked because you are missing some ingredients.


But showing missing items would be nice. Wouldnt it? Its a click mess if you need to move items from the window everytime to finally see that something is missing. Maybe add this as a feature request or do you want me to write aa new one?


No, it's fine this way.


I find this really annoying as well. Users should be able to choose between these two options at least. Has anybody found a way to do this yet?


This isn't just an inconvenience - it's breaking useful JEI functionality. The inventory reporting that an item is available when it isn't means that you can't see from within JEI which ingredients are missing.