Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Ore Dictionary causing loops, later versions can't handle

SavageMe55iah opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Issue description: Ore Dictionary causing loops

What happens:

I had input a recipe to use glass to make a different kind of glass so when I tried to craft a 1k storage with ore dictionary on it stated "Circular dependency! loop in processing...", the crafting wasn't a loop but it was reading as such, the 2nd problem is this message only popped on version Refined Storage: 1.2.14.

With versions Refined Storage: 1.2.25, 22 and 18 that area was blanked and the server would enter a state of non responsiveness while consuming more resources.

Version (Make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.10.2
  • Forge:
  • Refined Storage: 1.2.25

Does this issue occur on a server? [yes/no] yes

If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here:

[pastebin/gist/etc link here]


The issue shouldn't be ore dict here. Usually it is some ingot <-> nugget/block conversion.


Working as intended, like @way2muchnoise said.