Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Autocrafter Crafting Upgrade

thegamehunter09 opened this issue ยท 15 comments


Issue description: The Crafting upgrade just is not working. I have been having this issue for a while now.

What happens: I put the upgrade in an exporter connected to a drawer controller expecting it request a craft operation but it doesn't happen,

What you expected to happen: To fill the drawer with living wood and living rock

Steps to reproduce:


Version (Make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.10.2
  • Forge:
  • Refined Storage:1.2.23

Does this issue occur on a server? [yes]

If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here:

[pastebin/gist/etc link here]


Share some screenshots of your setup pls


I hope I attached these right. Here ya go I took four screenshots of the system.

2017-04-02_11 06 06
2017-04-02_11 06 13
2017-04-02_11 06 31
2017-04-02_11 06 44


And the autocrafting setup? the patterns used?

  • Can you request the item normally and will it craft?
  • Are you missing any items to craft, what does the Crafting Monitor say?
  • Is it valid to export to the bottom side of a Storage Drawers controller?
  • Does it work when you let the Exporter face a chest?

Please try it with a chest, the drawer might not accept from the bottom.


@raoulvdberge Yeah I can request the items normally. No I am not missing any items in the system. I am using a network connector and transmitter not sure if there is a problem with it. I am not sure if its valid I feel like it is a valid face sense I have put external interfaces to them before. I haven't tried the exporter to the chest on this system.


@raoulvdberge Just attached it to a chest and nothing happened. Also this system is separate from my main storage. Its connected via a network transmitter and reciever


Hey, from the setup this seems to be inspired by Direwolf20's LP series, where he had a similar problem. Can the Livingrock/-wood in the drawer be accessed from the network you are crafting from? If so, the exporter might take them from inventory instead of crafting and just loop the items.


@Timmeh74 No I can't access the drawers from the main system. I can request living rock and wood but its not doing it automatic sense I have a crafting upgrade in the exporter


The Drawer Controller can accept items from the bottom afaik.

Have you set Living Wood/Rock as a filter on the exporter?


@Timmeh74 @raoulvdberge I am not sure what is causing this but I am noticing that the controller I have place to make the livingwood and livingrock system its own separate network but for whatever reason the controller just pops of the wire. It will just pop off and become a item in the world. Could this be apart of the problem.


Hi! I looked at your screenshots again and it might be the crafter that is connecting both networks.


@Timmeh74 Sorry for the real late response. I think I tried that before and that didn't yield any result. It just never requested any living wood or living rock. Recently I checked the drawers and saw they were full so I emptied it but the system didn't try fill it back up.