Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Does crafters support secondary outputs?

Opened this issue · 11 comments


E.g., a 20% chance of getting gold dust in an Actually Additions crusher or 50% chance of getting silicon in an Ender IO SAG mill.

The reason I’m asking this is that in one of his videos, direwolf20 says that Refined Storage doesn’t support secondary outputs, so he couldn’t create a pattern for silicon from sand in a SAG mill, but when I crush iron ores using Refined Storage’s crafter, I do get the secondary output, so I am a bit confused.


@way2muchnoise Exactly what happens when doing that? I’m a bit confused. What happens if RS doesn’t know the percentage?


you can get secondary output, but RS doesn't know about percentage so it can get stuck if it doesn't actually make it. Things like 4 sand -> 1 silicone will work sometimes, but if you really have bad luck it might still go wrong.


You have a pattern of 4 sand -> 1 silicon. RS inserts 4 sand in the machine. It uses up the 4 sand, but the silicon isn't made because you were out of luck. RS is now stuck, and it won't insert any more sand because it inserted the 4 already.

RS won't have support for percent-based crafting, though.


RS won't have support for percent-based crafting, though.

Aw, that’s too bad. Almost every machine has some sort of secondary output. Why won’t you add support for that? 😞


every machine

Don't exaggerate!


I said “almost every machine.”


So the SAG mill and the pulverizer, almost all machine Kappa


The SAG mill, pulverizer, crusher (Actually Additions), crusher (Extra Utilities 2), and the induction smelter.


Those are not even almost all machines in modded MC


I meant almost every machine that I use. Besides, most of the machines that can smelt things have some sort of secondary output. It’s unfortunate that RS doesn’t support that.
