Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Further API Support

BSFishy opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Hey, guys. I am writing a mod and would like support for further API support. For example, the ability to add custom API implementations to different things, or events for specific things. Right now, I want to make an addon to Refined Storage which adds channels. To do this, I would need to edit the NetworkNodeGraph. Being able to add a custom API implementation would be optimal because then I would be able to get all of the nodes, then check to see which ones should be connected. This is just something that I would like to be able to use, so it is not urgent, but I would like to be able to use it soon ๐Ÿ˜„


Being able to change the network graph is dangerous. What if another mod comes in and changes the network graph as well?


That is why I threw out the events idea. Maybe rather than completely changing out the whole deal, what if there was a modular like system? Like the way that worlds are generated, and can be generated with different ones. I suppose it would be kind of like events but would handle more of the process so that someone could make channels, for example. Still not entirely sure how this could work, but maybe a sort of a priority system. Like for something like channels, it is run last and ensures that the channels are 100% added.


Interesting. Is there somewhere more private we can talk about this in a more direct way?


Sure on IRC #refinedstorage on, I'm not on all the time though.


I'm closing this for now, we can talk about this on IRC.