Refined Storage

Refined Storage


[Suggestion] Clear disk NBT data

Opened this issue · 18 comments


Can you add a recipe where you put the disk in a crafting window and it clears its NBT data, allowing you to void all the items or fluids in a disk?




Why not?


@BrianEdmonds What does “take the disk apart” mean?


I don’t see what that has to do with anything. I want to clear an existing disk, removing all items or fluids inside of it.


How do you take it apart? You can’t put a disk in a crafting table to clear it, which is what I’m suggesting here.


I did read the wiki, and I did sneak-right-click with a disk, but nothing happened.

Either the wiki is wrong, or this only works in the 1.11.2 version of Refined Storage.


Sneak-right-clicking with a disk in my hand does absolutely nothing. I’ve tried it multiple times.

I am using the latest version of Refined Storage for Minecraft 1.10.2 (v. 1.2.25).


Yeah, I thought it might. It makes more sense than just sneak-right-clicking a disk whilst it’s in your hand, and it’s also safer.

Besides, it’d add more functionality to the disk manipulator, which is nice.


The disk has to be empty.


Oh, I see. That defeats the entire purpose of what I’m trying to do, which is remove all the items or fluids on a disk.

I don’t mind that you don’t want to add a feature like this, because you’re the developer, and you decide what you do with your mod (obviously), but I’d like to know why you don’t want to add a feature like this, rather than just a vague “No” answer.

Is it because players could accidentally clear their disks? If that’s the case, you could either make this feature a config option that’s disabled by default, or you could add a verification step, so that players have to use a command or press a button or something in order to clear a disk. Either way, it would be super useful if you could clear disks, which, as far as I’m aware, you cannot do in the current version of the mod (for 1.10.2).


Is it because players could accidentally clear their disks?

Yes. It's a an easy thing to do and extremely destructive. So it's dangerous and will not be added.

If that’s the case, you could either make this feature a config option that’s disabled by default

By this point you should know I don't add config options for those kind of things.


It’s extremely tedious to clear a disk manually, so I was hoping that you’d add something like this. Maybe it could be an option in the disk manipulator.

Oh well. It’s unfortunate that you won’t add it.