Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Autocrafting loop sand to sandstone to sand causing server to go into stopped state

Waremaster opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Issue description:

Auto Crafting forces server into stopped state.

What happens:

Using the exporter, I export sandstone into a sag mill to be crushed to get saltpeter. I have a sand generator (pulverizing cobblestone) feeding sand into the Refined storage system via an importer. I have the refined storage system setup to auto craft sandstone, which is then sent to the exporter containing an auto crafting card. Seems when I run out of sand and it is waiting to craft sandstone, the server goes into a stopped state and shuts down. World will never restart without restoring a backup.

What you expected to happen:

I expected a seamless flow of:
Auto Craft sandstone from sand generator (sag milled cobble)
Export sandstone to sag mill;
Sag mill sandstone resulting in getting sand and occasionally saltpeter

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Get a storage drawer/ feed it sand from whatever you have (don't fill it up as the system needs to be waiting on sand to craft the sandstone) / put a external storage bus on it
  2. Get a sag mill / put an exporter on it (exporting sandstone) with an auto crafting card
  3. Setup the autocrafting recipe for sand to sandstone and put it in a crafter
  4. Put an importer on the output of the sag mill
  5. Get another storage drawer / put a external storage bus on it for saltpeter (priority was set to 5)
  6. Hook everything up and let the system run until in a loop if you will creating sandstone which is then sag milled into sand and saltpeter.

Version (Make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.10.2
  • Forge: 2234 and 2254
  • Refined Storage: 1.2.25

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