Refined Storage

Refined Storage


[1.11.2] Network Controller goes dead after leaving the area

kwpugh opened this issue ยท 32 comments


Issue description:

I have a simple RS setup that connects a controller, grid, and crafting grid to external storage.

What happens:

When a player leaves the area and comes back, the controller is dead. It needs to be broken and replaced, then everything works fine

What you expected to happen:

Not go dead

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Setup controller and crafting grid
  2. leave the area (via /tp or other method
  3. return to the area

Version (make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.11.2
  • Forge: 2304
  • Refined Storage: refinedstorage-1.4.10.jar

Does this issue occur on a server? [yes/no]

If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here:

No crash

[pastebin/gist/etc link here]


Define dead. Does the controller still blink, are the devices still connected, ...?


The controller, grid, and crafting grid go dark and nothing works.


With a chunk loader, it does not go dark


Logging out from the server in front of the RS system and logging back in results in the system going dark


If you open the controller GUI what does it look like?


It shows full power and everything connected, still dark


Of course I cannot reproduce this bug!
Go off the server..
And then, rejoin! Result:


Any relevant logs like exceptions when this happens?


Same problem, but when i relog, controller is blue, full powered, i can pull out items but autocrafting is not working. I have to replace controller to make it work again.


I can see in grid that i can craft Cable for example, but when I send order to make some of them, literally nothing happens. Crafting monitor is empty, no scheduled tasks.


Define "not working", please..............



Are you testing with the creative controller or the regular? My problem seems to occur with the regular one that needs power.

I have tried several different power sources and the controller is dark when I leave and return. Looking inside the controller GUI shows plenty of power stored up.

I am using a custom modpack I created:

Also, when I leave a chunkloader on in the area, the controller is still dark when I return.

There are no relevant messages in the server log during the time of leaving/returning to the area.


Just a quick note for now; I am having the same problem. Whenever I leave the area (e.g. go to the nether and return) the controller is either not powered (no lights) and nothing works, OR the controller still works (lighted) but the grid (inventory) shows as empty (grayed out). breaking the controller and replacing it fixes it. I am currently not home, but will post more info, inc. a log/mod-list if relevant either tomorrow or Wednesday.


hmm, seems this is a forge issue. Updating to 2314 resolves it; I was on 2290 before.


Good to hear!


Nope, I spoke too soon. Today I went back and forth between my two bases and sometimes it does happen (controller not powered, replacing it solves it), and sometimes it doesn't. It seems to be related to the amount of time I am gone?
There are no entries in the log related to refined storage. Here is a list of mods.


II updated to Forge 2314, and nothing changed. Same behavior as Ash70 described.


I'm also having the same problem, it seems that just chunkloading the machine isen't enough. This also happens with wireless receivers, when I'm not close to them.


Just an update on my problem, I found that the problem disappereared when I used persistent bits instead of FTBUtils to do my chunk loading. The two things might not be releated, but it atleast fixed the issue for me.


I have the same problem using Refined Storage 1.4.17 on Forge 1.11.2-

Whenever I unload the chunk my RS system is in either by walking far enough away, teleporting or switching dimensions you can no longer access items in it when you return. It acts as if their is no power even though the controller is still lit up and everything is powered.

Clicking on the grid will display an empty GUI as if the controller was not powered.

In order to get it working again I have to break the controller and replace it.

My setup

Installed Mods


Any logs when this happens?


@raoulvdberge Not that I'm aware of since the game doesn't crash.

Though I did create a new world and have no problems with RS when unloading chunks. So I'm hoping it was just that world. Guess I'll have to wait a few days and see if the problem reoccurs.


You can still have logs, even if the game doesn't crash.


@raoulvdberge Correct but I wouldn't know what to send you. Not only was my log overwritten when I created a new world but the logs are full of generic information and searching for anything related to Refined Storage just showed typical loading messages.

If you can point me to a specific file or a general area to look for any relevant information I'd be happy to send you more data but at the moment it looks like just a fluke with that world save so I'm not sure there is any useful data to send you.


I don't think either.


I'm using version 1.5.6 in MC 1.12. The issue im having is if you leave the area where the refined storage (controller,grid,and disc drives) is and the chunk unloads, when you return it will be lit up(blue) but you can not put in anything in it and there are no items showing. If you then break the controller and replace it everything is fine. So chunk unloading = controller losing connection to network. To recreate the issue I would suggest going to another dim like the nether and coming back.

Also there is an issue when placing cables and the rendering of them connecting to other cables. If you relog sometimes it will fix the issue.

mc: 1.12
refined storage: 1.5.6
modpack: All The Mods 3
forge: 2387



That was the exact issue I had on 1.10.2 but it was only on one world. I couldn't replicate it after and had no relevant data in the logs.


We actually tested it with one person in console looking at the fml logs and console logs and me on the server going back and forth to the nether to cause it to disconnect or stop working. There were no relevant logs that showed up during this test.


@raoulvdberge I have a very similar possibly exact issue, however everything remains lit up an connected, but when i open crafting grid no items for me appear until such time as i remove a storage drive an replace it. My area is supposed to be chunkloaded, but occurs reguardles


The issue with the items not showing up has been fixed.

However, I still can't reproduce the "controller going dark" issue...


Ive not been able to trigger this issue either no matter which way I try an do it


Me neither, I guess some people confused this bug for the items not showing up issue.
