Refined Storage

Refined Storage


[1.12] Controller on chunk load not always updates it's neighbors

DBotThePony opened this issue ยท 11 comments


What happens:

Controller "freezes"
Inventories are still working, importing, exporting, etc. BUT Crafting is not avaliable (nothing happens)

Before 7a41c7b controller was bugging differently, it was working as expected but it wasn't consuming energy at all in case where this bug happens

What you expected to happen:

Controller updates it's neighbors and constructs network configuration

Issue can be solved by removing and placing controller back

Version (make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.12
  • Forge: Build 2423
  • Refined Storage: 1.5.13 (was tested before on 1.5.9)

Listen server and Multiplayer servers are affected


Doesn't seem to happen anymore at any case


Thanks for the follow up!


or it never updates
When i enter overworld from nether this bug occurs in 100% cases


Some investigation - place controller near edge of chunkloaded area (like chunkloaded spawn area), but not on chunk that is always loaded. Then build up a average, or huge (under huge i mean network that consumes ~1300 FE/t without any wireless stuff, and yeah, most of singleplayer players are building networks like that), that overs both spawn chunkloaded chunks and non-loaded chunks. Then trigger momental chunk unload - build up a nether portal and travel to nether. After some time, come back. If all is done correctly, there is a very high chance to reproduce the issue


I created defect #1048 not knowing this was here, just some notes with what i have found. Going to the nether and back doesn't break the setup 100% of the time for me (might be because I have a smaller setup). Also even after removing the controller I was still able to access the crafting grid and attached inventory.


I made an attempt to fix this in 1.5.15. Please try that version and let me know if you can still reproduce this bug.


I am running 1.5.16 (I assume it has the code that 15 has) and this still happens. One thing that was interesting is when I came back from the nether everything seemed fine even checked the controller and everything was showing up. Walked away for a second and came back to craft something. Couldn't craft and everything is unlinked again.


Currently not at home, but will check asap


Doesn't seem to happen anymore


I'm not sure why this was closed, this still happens every time I come back from the nether on build 1.5.16.


@BaneOfSerenity please investigate. When we created new world, it doesn't happened for me and my friend on 1.5.16