Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Crafting Grid Duplication

rakkfalen opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Issue description:

The newest version seems to have a weird duplication glitch where when you are crafting and you run out of something, the crafting grid magically makes more. Seen here when trying to craft seeds from Mystical Agriculture, but I have seen it with other mods/items too...
This does NOT happen all the time though... I have had it happen with Mystical Agriculture recipes, Actually Additions recipes, and once while making vanilla iron pickaxes, but it is infrequent.

What happens:

Crafting Grid makes additional ingredients for recipes when you run out.

What you expected to happen:

You can't craft any more when you are missing ingredients.

Steps to reproduce:

Unsure... It only happens occasionally. See video above.

Version (make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.12
  • Forge: 1.12-
  • Refined Storage: 1.5.17

Does this issue occur on a server? [yes/no]

Haven't tried, I don't have a server.


Might be a crossmod issue... (like MouseTweaks or InvTweaks messing up the inventory)


That could be. I do have Inventory Tweaks. Do you want a list of all the mods I'm using?


Wouldn't be of much use, that would be like finding a needle in a haystack.


I'm having this kind of item duplication simply by pulling all the items out from a external storage connected drawer controller with compacting drawer attached.
This happens a lot when multiple empty not-locked compacting drawers are attached to a drawer controller.
But not all the times.


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Sorry for those long images.
Through some basic testing.
This can be done intentionally.

  1. setup a controller with a grid.
  2. connect a external storage to a drawer controller with a compacting drawer attached.
  3. place 1 iron ingot into the system, which will go into the compacting drawer.
  4. pull the iron ingot out, will result in 127 iron ingots. (through shift clicking)

Tested with other items.
The compacting drawer needs to be in unlocked state.
Any item that can be compacted through compacting drawer can be duped through this way.
This happens when you EMPTY the compacting drawer, the RS system will pull more items than what actually left in the drawer. (sometime they work properly, but if the drawer are recently 'refreshed'/inserted then items will probably be duped)
This will also break autocrafting if you left a compacting drawer unlocked and attached to the RS system, as more items might be pushed to the processing machines.
Please fix this horrible crossmod issue.


I just tried AE2 with the exact setup, it doesn't duped items but items were disappearing.
Like RS, when the compacting drawer is locked, everything works fine.
Looks like this is SD's issue.


It was an SD problem, and it's fixed in 5.3.1. Thanks for reporting.


Nice, closing this as it is fixed of SD's side.