Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Is there a fix/workaround for disks suddenly becoming unreadable?

PurpleHel opened this issue · 10 comments


As described in #821 and others, I have a 64k disk that isn't readable after being moved. I have a save of the world from several hours previously, before the move, where the disk is readable. However, I did a lot of building and landscaping in those several hours, and really don't want to go back to the save and lose that work. I tried saving the disk drive with the disk in it via a structure block, and then restoring from the structure block in the current version of the world, but there's no disks in the drive when I restore the structure.


So where's the data offloaded to? Can it be copied from there?

I get that it's not a bug in RS, but a workaround would, I'd think, need to be RS based.


The data is offloaded to a NBT file called refinedstorage_nodes.dat in your world directory.

However, I suggest you to just go to your backup, put the relevant disks in your inventory, close your backup. Then copy your player file from the backup to your actual world. That way, you retain your disks.


Ah, I'll give that a shot, thanks!


No problem! If you have any further trouble, let me know.


Yup, that did the trick perfectly! Thanks!


And which version are you on? Don't remove the issue template, it's there for a reason.


MC1.12.1, RS 1.5.18, forge
But since this is a problem ppl are having across a bunch of versions for more than a year now, if there is a workaround, I wouldn't expect it to be version specific.


Ah, but you're using a structure block in this case?


Not initially. The structure block was my failed attempt at a workaround.

Initially I broke the disk drive to move it, and then when I put the disk back in at the new location, it didn't read, exactly as in 821 and 712 and every other post of the problem. So I went to my backup, confirmed the disk still read (as in my items showed up in the grid) in the backup, and so used a structure block to save the whole array from the backup. When I restored from the structure block into the current version of the world, the disk drive in the array had no disks in it. So the structure block was not a successful workaround.


Initially I broke the disk drive to move it, and then when I put the disk back in at the new location, it didn't read, exactly as in 821 and 712 and every other post of the problem.

That is a Forge bug, like I said earlier in those threads. I think they attempted to fix it but it didn't work out maybe? Some other mod could also override your slot interaction and replace a stack with an invalid NBT (using NBT share tag instead of actual NBT).

So I went to my backup, confirmed the disk still read (as in my items showed up in the grid) in the backup, and so used a structure block to save the whole array from the backup. When I restored from the structure block into the current version of the world, the disk drive in the array had no disks in it. So the structure block was not a successful workaround.

That makes sense, RS doesn't support structure blocks, since the data of the disk isn't stored in the block itself (offloaded to somewhere else).

Closing because it's a Forge bug or crossmod bug.