Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Item loss when returning from the end

Trcx528 opened this issue ยท 16 comments


Playing on FTB Unstable 4.1.1 (Refined Storage 0.8)

Playing on my server I noticed some strangeness that is somewhat hard to pin point exactly. For the most part I think I have it narrowed down.

When returning from the end (or other dimensions) to my base in the overworld, sometimes my crafting grids all have their views changed, they revert to their default view of sorting by name and no JEI integration (vs what I have previously set them to.) This happens around 50% of the time when returning from another dimension, regardless of method used (nether portal, end portal, rf tools teleporter, etc). The buttons next to the grid are not functional and do not allow me to change the views. Even a relog and completely closing/re opening the client wont fix it. The only option to fix is to break the grids and place them back down.

When the above behavior happens, items inserted into the grids are only there until I leave (presumably when the chunk reloads). For example returning from the end I deposited a large number of ender pearls to the RS system. They are there and I can craft with them, but when I go to the nether and come back (or even just wander far enough away in the overworld, or re-log) the ender pearls and the items crafted from them are no where to be found.

Breaking the grids and replacing them seem to fix this issue, but it is strange behavior indeed. I have no clue what could cause it as it seems to be somewhat intermittent.


Tonight when this occurred while returning from the nether. Once I saw the grids had reverted to their default views I cleanly restarted the server and my client and the issue was fixed, pointing to this being a bug on the server half. Hopefully this helps narrow it down.


I'm having exactly the same issue (see the referenced issue above). I'm glad you narrowed it down so much more than me. At least I can use my stuff by breaking and replacing the block. Sounds like a block update isn't happening. maybe if I place something down that forces a block update on the crafting grid every minute? :)

I only wish an error was showing up with it as well so it was easier to pinpoint


This issue will be most likely fixed in the next version, as I've written a new machine network algorithm


Awesome. I am looking forward to it :D. BTW is there a place where we can see your most recent builds?


Not really, I don't like to do that because the dev branch can be very buggy and there are times where broken stuff is committed. You can always build yourself if you want.


This issue seems to be plaguing storage network too or at least the loss of items lol, glad to hear you believe you fixed it though, I'll have to add this to my testing pack and try it out


The loss of items is probably a desync issue requiring a world reload the see the items again, so no real loss should occur.


It wasn't temporary though with storage network at least even after I restarted the server I was missing about half the stuff I stored in it but it's okay


Weird, we'll see if it's fixed in the next version


It's not in your mod I was referring to storage network so no worries here, I'm just going to try out your mod when that release comes out


Assuming RS follows a traditional mod setup and if my memory serves correctly, it should go something as follows:

git clone
cd refinedstorage
./gradlew build

The resulting jar should appear in the build/libs directory.


^ Assuming you have git, gradle and java installed


Here, I did a build for you. Keep in it mind that it is buggy, and make a back up!

Let me know if you still have the issue (rename .zip to .jar)


i have git and java installed....ill look into installing gradle. Thanks for the build @raoulvdberge I will put it up on my server tonight and test it out.


@raoulvdberge not 100% sure how to build mods from source just yet....any cool tips or links to show me how ;)


Is the issue still present in 0.8.6?