Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Autocrafting with Pam's Presser improper functionality

AndrewR73 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Issue description: Autocrafting w/ Pam's Presser improper functionality

What happens: Using a Crafter, and pattern made from the Pattern Encoder, to pump items into the Pam's Presser, along with an Importer to pull completed items from the Presser. The initial craft works fine (ie: soy bean placed, presser takes a few moments to create silken tofu and grain bait as output). However, while the presser is churning, any inputs (soy bean in this case) over that first one are immediately pulled out by the importer again instead of leaving them there to be processed by the presser. So, if I auto craft a full stack of Silken Tofu, the Crafter drops 64 soy bean into the presser, but while soy bean #1 is being pressed you can watch the stack of beans dropping in count, and when the presser finishes the first bean it starts on #2 but by this time the import has sucked around 20 or so back into the system... the end result is from a stack of soy beans, only 4 get processed into Silken Tofu (and grain bait)

What you expected to happen: It should drop the necessary number of beans into the presser and only pull out the processed Silken Tofu (and grain bait), not the soy beans.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Place a Crafter and Presser into an RS system (importer on the bottom of the Presser set to Items)
  2. Create a Pattern for Silken Tofu from the Pattern Encoder and place into the Crafter
  3. From a Crafting Grid, request more than one Silken Tofu (10, 20, a stack, etc.)

Version (make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.10.2
  • Forge: forge-
  • Refined Storage: 1.2.26

Does this issue occur on a server? No

If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here:

[pastebin/gist/etc link here]


1.10.2 is unsupported