Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Ticking Block Entity on world load (NetworkNodeGraph$Visitor.visit)

rigerc opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Issue description:

The server crashes on my singleplayer world when I load in. I've played this world for lots of hours and this started happening all of a sudden.

What happens:

Server crash with a Ticking Block Entity error in the log on the Controller block. When I remove the Controller with MCEdit the world loads in OK - but when I place a new one it immediately crashes again. Making a new creative world everything works fine.

What you expected to happen:

Steps to reproduce:

So I can't really reproduce it on a new world, I'm guessing the problem is somewhere in the network but I can't really tell where.

Version (make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge:
  • Refined Storage: 1.5.23

Does this issue occur on a server? [yes/no]


If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here:


Weird. That shouldn't really happen. Can you send me your world along with the coords of the bad controller?


Even though I couldn't reproduce the problem, I added a small safety check.


Weird, your world works fine for me:



Probably, because you got a NPE and the problematic method can't possibly return null in vanilla RS code.

Some mod might be implementing the API in a bad way. Are you using RS together with some other mod that adds integration?


I'm using it together with a few machines from Immersive Engineering, Gendustry and Compact Machines, which recently updated its Refined Storage cable compatibility. Maybe that's the problem? Although when I removed those machines it still crashed.


Could you try something for me? Launch your previous crashy world which you posted on the previous RS version that crashed. It should crash. OK, then, just remove CompactMachines. Don't remove the machines manually, just remove the mod and launch your world. Does it still crash then?


Tried it and it works when I remove Compact Machines with the older version of RS, so it's definitely CM then.


Tried the new update and world now loads in! Thanks! Pretty weird though, must've been some weird mod interaction?