Refined Storage

Refined Storage


[1.12.2] Auto-crafting with fluid; Prioritizing stored fluid over crafted

LordPinkerton opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Issue description: Autocrafting with fluid prioritizes crafting fluid instead of using stored fluid.

What happens: Recipe (Enderium Blend) requires a crafted fluid (Resonant Ender Bucket). Pattern created for both. Also have fluid storage with fluid (Resonant Ender) in reserve. When I craft recipe (Enderium Blend), crafting wants to craft fluid (Resonant Ender) instead of using stored fluid.

What you expected to happen: For the recipe (Enderium Blend) to prioritize the use of stored fluid for crafting rather than attempting to craft fluid separately.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Pattern created for Enderium Blend 3 lead dust, 1 platinum dust, 1 bucket Resonant Ender(imported as non-processing with Oredict active) for Crafter.
  2. Pattern created for Resonant Ender from four Ender Pearls to 1000mb (imported as processing with Oredict active) for Crafter attached to Magma Crucible.
  3. I have 128,000mb of Resonant Ender in storage drive.
  4. Attempt to craft Enderium Blend.
  5. Crafting Preview says Resonant Ender To Craft: 1.
  6. Crafting crafts new Resonant Ender to make recipe.
  7. Attempt to craft Enderium Blend after disabling pattern for Resonant Ender.
  8. Crafting Preview says Resonant Ender Available: 1000 mB
  9. Crafting uses stored Resonant Ender to make recipe.

Version (make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge:
  • Refined Storage: 1.5.25

Does this issue occur on a server? [yes/no] No

If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here:

[pastebin/gist/etc link here]


I have similar issue. I wanted to create signallum blend which requires bucket of destabilized redstone. When I don't have neither stored fluid or bucket of DR it gets stuck on filling the bucket with DR. (The recipe is set like so: 10 redstone dust -> bucket of destabilized redstone, processing enabled. Inserted into crafter attached do magma crucible with importer which sucks up the created fluid into system)


Seeing this same issue for destabilized redstone and other liquids as well.

The system does not use the crafted destabilized redstone after creating it through a magma crucible either, so i will have to do a workaround for now...

Minecraft 1.12.2
Refined Storage 1.5.32

This is version 1.10 of the Direwolf20 pack.


This can be closed, as there will be a new system.


did this ever get fixed in 1.12? i'm still seeing it in FTB academy.