Refined Storage

Refined Storage


MC v 1.12.2 RS v 1.5.25 Constructor/Destructor Issues

TheOrionsun opened this issue · 7 comments


Issue description: Constructor can drop blocks but not place. Destructor will not break blocks.

What happens: Place block type into constructor but will not place block from inventory, however it will drop that block type. Place block for destructor to break but will not.

What you expected to happen: Constructor to place block and destructor to break block

Steps to reproduce:

1.Stet up constructor to place Coal ore.
2.See if constructor will place Coal ore.
3.See if destructor will break Coal ore constructor places or place block manually.

Version (make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge:14.23.2566
  • Refined Storage:1.5.28, 1.5.27 and Release v 1.5.25

{Note: Both still work on MC v 1.12.1 - refined storage 1.5.28}

Does this issue occur on a server? [yes/no] Single Player (Testing) in Survival

If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here: NA

[pastebin/gist/etc link here]


Does the constructor & destructor have permission to place or break blocks? I can't do much with this, as some chunk protection mod could block it from placing.


I have the same mods in MC v1.12.1 and in the MC v1.12.2. It still works in MC v1.12.1. I did just move my save file from MC v1.12.1 to MC v1.12.2. That may have broken something? I take it that they work fine for everyone else? I will create a new game and try with all of the mods I have loaded and try to see which mod is causing the problem. If I find it I will comment again...

Thank you for your response, your mod and your time!


So, tested a creative MC v1.12.2 with all mods loaded and both constructor and destructor works fine...I think just moving a MC v1.12.1 save to MC v1.12.2 does not work and has caused the problem. Any thoughts of what may cause that to happen?

Well sorry for the time drain and appreciate any thoughts on how to fix moved save,


OK, found it at this link ldtteam/minecolonies#1086
Following this sugestion; I did disable colony protection and it worked.

Raycoms posted this response to the same problem I was having.
"It seems like refinedStorage uses fakePlayers.
There are two chances:Disable colony protection in the config. (Works!)
"As we spoke with the forge team, fakePlayers should inherit the players UUID, I guess refinedStorage does that wrong" - Is this true? Can you change change how fakePlayers work in your Mod?

I would suggest to note in mod description that Refined storage is not entirely compatible with Minecolonies.

Thanks again,


Just found a response you had given on this very issue.

"Gonna tag this as wontfix. I don't want to store any UUIDs in network nodes."

Apparently you knew this issue before but neglected to ask if I had Minecolonies loaded...

PLease just give people a heads up that they need to disable colony protection or constructor and destructor wont work when Mincolonies is loaded.

Just happy to find what the problem was. Thanks again...Great!!! Mod,


Uhm, you can't expect me to remember the resolution of every single issue posted here, I didn't neglect anything, saying that is ridiculous.
