Refined Storage

Refined Storage


The Dern computer ate mah emeralds

unknowndobo opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Issue description:

Items Dissapear when placed into the grid of refined storage.

What happens:

Whole stacks and individual items simply vanish when manually dropped into the grid for my storage block farm, either drag dropped, shift clicked or ...well i've not tried piping it in yet, i was still setting it up.
I have checked that none of the sotorage blocks in the farm are set to input only, Currently the farm is isolated from all other storage by 100 blocks so i'm not accidentally piping them out of the system, no exporter is attatched so that wouldn't work anyway.
This is not an issue of the block voiding excess units. I put a fresh 1 k block down, locked it to obsidian only on the white list. set the priority to 10 with no disk drives or other devices apart from those already locked to a certain item. I dropped two stacks of obsidian in, none of the made it to their storage block.
When the priority was changed blocks were able to make it to the correct storage but this is inconsistant, sometimes putting the priority up lets the items through, sometimes putting it down does.
It shouldn't make any difference because the only blocks unassigned to a specific item via the whitelist are set to priority -10 and are empty.
i also checked that none of the Oredict comparison was turned on so it's not a case of one of the blocks recognising other items as something from the same family and voiding them cause there's no space.

What you expected to happen:

Items should go to their assigned storage boxes in a calm and orderly fashion,. not go galavanting off to wherever they feel like, it's unseemly.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. unsure, the farm was working fine to start with and i had no issues when i was using the storage disk which is still set up on another system elsewhere on the world. There are now 22 1k storage blocks ,1 grid, 1 controller, on the farm with a further 15 1k storage blocks unattatched but placed nearby. Maybe a similar setup would yeild similar results.

Version (make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.10.2
  • Forge:
  • Refined Storage: 1.2.26
    -Skyfactoy 3

Does this issue occur on a server? [yes/no]

i'm playing Single player

If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here:

[pastebin/gist/etc link here]

As an additional, many thanks for the work you'vve put into thsi mod, i know it must take a lot of time and i've been having a load of fun with it. that's why i wanted to switch to storage blocks over disks, i figured i could set up detectors to stop production of certain items or redirect them to loot recyclers once my storage boxes were filled, something i don't think i could emulate with the disks.

