Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Item Conversion Issue

phawckz opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Issue when using the "compare damage" option in an interface appears to allow items to be converted into non-equal types.

In my case: Using this appears to convert IC2e tiny piles of dust, into their full-size equivalents at 1:1.

The tiny piles of [ore] dust SHOULD have been sent to get crafted into large ones, but were instead converted into large dusts directly (though it's worth noting that I was never able to get the "Always keep a certain amount of items in stock" method on the wiki to work with any combination of settings anyways).

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Fill a drawer (Storage Drawers) with small piles of dust, and connect it to a minimally functional RS network via an external storage connector.
  2. Place an interface and add iron dust to its whitelist.
  3. Set the interface's "compare damage" setting to "no"
  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge:
  • Refined Storage: 1.5.31
    Mods Involved:
  • Storage Drawers: 1.12.2-5.3.5
  • Thermal Foundation:
  • Thermal Expansion:

This issue was on a server.

No crash log is related to this issue.


I see some other issues related to storage drawers and autocrafting, but I tested and it seems to have no problem with conversion on its own.


Looking at the change log, this may have been fixed. Going to try that now. I had the latest version as of (a week ago?) so I just went with it. I apologize if this is a waste of time.


Can confirm that exactly the same bug is there in the latest version of Refined storage.


Okay, pulling from a chest does not produce the same issue so.... guess it isn't RS' problem. No idea how Storage Drawers are doing this, but uh... I guess I'll figure it out.