Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Disappearance of storage disk elements 1.12.2

epeeforteyt opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Description of the problem:

When using the terminal that it is the crafting or the fluid, by moment and that has just made me 2 times today, the disappearance of the items in the terminal, but the storage disk is filled but not completely.

I transfer everything in the records of applied energitics for the reviews and I can recover them

What happens:

Disappearance of visual elements but still in disk storages

What you expected:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. I do not know unfortunately, that makes me that twice

Version (make sure you are on the latest version before creating a report):

  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge: Forge-
  • Refined storage: refinedstorage-1.5.33.jar

Is this problem occurring on a server? [Yes No] Yes

If a crash is relevant to this problem, link it here:

picture link:


thats the same issue ive been having i was putting things into my grid and it blanked out but the drives still had the contents i just cannot access them


This is a Forge bug. Recover from backup.

Also, read previous closed issues before opening a new one.